Safety council to lead Singapore`s bid for `Safe Community` status

Singapore - Singapore wants to be known as a `Safe Community`, a recognition given by the World Health Organisation, by 2010.

Manpower Minister Dr Ng Eng Hen said the National Safety Council will be supported by a multi-agency working group which includes the manpower, transport and education ministries. Also involved are the Workplace Safety and Health Advisory Committee, the Land Transport Authority, the People`s Association and Motorola Singapore.

There are now 127 `Safe Communities` in countries such as the US, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and Norway.

To help Singapore achieve the same recognition, the working group will look into occupational, traffic and community safety. Public and private sectors as well as grassroots organisations are all expected to play a part.

"Once the message is clear, once people know what it is, and once people accept that it`s good, Singaporeans are usually quite motivated about it," said Dr Ng.

Source: (6 November 2007)

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