Keeping Brunei`s traditional literature alive

Bandar Seri Begawan - The finals of the 11th national-level traditional poetry recital competition or the Syair, for secondary schools, colleges and private education institutions in conjunction with Teacher`s Day was held yesterday at the Dewan Sermayuda of the Language and Literature Bureau in Berakas.

Razali bin Hj Ali of the Pg Isteri Hjh Mariam Secondary School who recited the Syair Perlembagaan won first place in the boys category. In second place was Muhd Nurazri bin Abd Mustafa from the Berakas Sixth Form Centre while Mohd Asdey Hazabullah bin Hj Md Zain of the Hassanal Bolkiah Secondary Arabic Boys School came third.

The winner of the girls category was Hjh Nurul Mahfuzah bte Hj Hassan of the Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College who also recited the Syair Perlembagaan. Noraziemah bte Mohammad of the Berakas Sixth Form Centre came second followed by Nurul Husna Aqilah bte Hj Abdidin of the Sharif Ali Secondary School in third palce.

Razali bin Hj Aji was also adjudged as the overall winner of the event.

Representing Awg Hj Suhaila bin Hj Abd Karim, Acting Permanent Secretary of Higher Education who was the guest of honour, was Awg Hj Muhd Masa Masdi bin Muhd Sa`idun, the Acting Examination Director. Also present were the organising committee members of the event, participating school members and invited guests.

In his speech, the representative for the guest of honour said that Al-Marhum Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Sir Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa`adul Khairi Waddien is incomparable as a poet as his Syair has continued to be treasured and recited at special occasions.

This year, the final event featured Syair that enhances the patriotic feeling and enrich the national aspiration especially for the younger generation of today.

The event was participated by 50 schools and only 12 (six boys and six girls) were selected to compete in the final round yesterday.

The event was aimed at reintroducing traditional Brunei literature and also to encourage appreciation of the country`s heritage to the younger generation and to present a platform for the newer generation to hone their skills and interest in traditional literature.

The Syair featured are Syair Nasihat (advice), Syair Perlembagaan Negeri Brunei (Brunei Constitution), Syair Rajang Hari (extending days) that were penned by Al Marhum Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Hj Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien, Syair Rakis Dua Belas written by Pg Shahbandar Muhammad Salleh and Syair Berguru written by Sooryassin.

Contestants also had to recite the Syair in the Begawan`s tambang melody from the first to the fourth line. They are free to choose their own melody for the remaining fifth to tenth line.

The judges to the competition were Dyg Hjh Noorbanun, Dyg Hjh Maiselamah, Tuan Hj Mahmud and Tuan Hj Emran. By Jon Tampoi

Source: (August 29, 2008)

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