Kesenian sakral tidak bertujuan komersial

Denpasar, Bali - Pengamat kesenian Bali, Wayan Suarjaya, menyatakan bahwa kesenian sakral tidak pernah bertujuan untuk kepentingan bisnis dan komesial. "Oleh sebab itu, sakral dan tidaknya suatu pertunjukkan seni dapat diukur dari beberapa kategori, seperti tarian itu tidak pernah diupah (disewa) untuk suatu pertunjukan hiburan yang bersifat komersial,"...

Jumat, PNS Tanjung Balai wajib pakai teluk belanga

Tanjung Balai, Sumut - Jajaran aparatur pemerintahan dan tenaga pendidik di Kota Tanjung Balai, Sumatera Utara menggunakan busana "Teluk belanga" yang merupakan khas Melayu setiap hari Jumat. Wali Kota Tanjung Balai Thamrin Munthe di Tanjung Balai, mengatakan, cukup banyak alasan yang menyebabkan pihaknya menggunakan busana melayu tersebut setiap...

Polres Pacitan Tangkap Mahasiswa Pengedar Video Mesum

Pacitan - Kepolisian Resor Pacitan, Jawa Timur menangkap dua pemuda yang diduga terlibat dalam pembuatan dan penyebaran video mesum yang sempat membuat heboh masyarakat setempat dalam dua pekan terakhir. Kedua pemuda yang sama-sama berstatus mahasiswa di salah satu universitas itu kini ditahan dengan status tersangka. "Pengakuannya begitu, tapi...

Pasar Tradisional Indonesia Tampil di Swiss

Jakarta - Tepatnya di Robertseidelhof, Zurich, Swiss, digelar acara unik bertajuk Pasar Minggu, pasar tradisional yang menjual ragam makanan dan jajanan khas nusantara. Di sini tersedia mulai dari bubur ayam Bandung, bakso, pecel, gudeg, combro, mpek-mpek Palembang, rujak...

Pemprov Kalbar beri penghargaan tokoh pendidikan dan budaya

Pontianak, Kalbar - Empat dari enam budayawan dan tokoh pendidikan Kalimantan Barat yang sedianya menerima penghargaan saat Upacara HUT ke-55 pemerintah provinsi, Senin pagi, akhirnya hadir di acara ramah tamah di Pendopo Gubernuran, Senin malam. Keempatnya yakni Gusti...

Istana Lima Laras Sumatra Utara Nyaris Roboh

Batu Bara, Sumut - Tidak pernah dirawat, bangunan Istana Lima Laras yang berada di Desa Lima Laras, Kecamatan Tanjung Tiram, Kabupaten Batu Bara, Sumatra Utara, nyaris roboh. Datuk Muhammad Azminsyah (69 tahun), seorang cucu Datuk Matyoeda, mengatakan Istana Lima Laras...

Atraksi Imlek Menghibur Warga Dumai

Dumai, Riau - Beragam atraksi hiburan yang digelar sehubungan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek 2563 di Kota Dumai, Provinsi Riau, dinikmati tak saja oleh Orang Tionghoa, tetapi menghibur seluruh warga berbagai latar etnis di ‘kota minyak‘ itu. "Terlebih ketika pada malam puncak...

Batik Belum Diakui di Jerman

Jakarta - Masyarakat Eropa khususnya Jerman sampai saat ini masih belum mengakui batik sebagai karya seni, kata seniman batik asal Berlin Joachim Blank. "Hingga sekarang, ’fibre art’ seperti batik belum diakui sebagai karya seni. Pemerintah Jerman menggolongkannya pada...

Dubes Korea: Saman Mewakili Spirit Bangsa Korea

Banda Aceh, NAD - Duta Besar Korea Selatan untuk Indonesia Kim Young Sun mengatakan tari saman mewakili spirit bangsa Korea. "Tari saman merupakan jenis tarian yang sangat populer, dan kami lihat banyak memiliki kesamaan dengan gaya dan ciri khas bangsa Korea yang dinamis,"...

UKA ITB Gelar Pelatihan Tari Saman

Bandung, Jabar - Unit Kebudayaan Aceh (UKA) ITB menggelar pelatihan tari saman untuk umum. Pelatihan merupakan pra-event Gelar Budaya Aceh (GBA) 2012, perhelatan budaya Aceh yang diselenggarakan oleh UKA. Setelah berlatih selama bulan Februari 2012, peserta pelatihan akan tampil secara serentak di Pameran Budaya GBA 2012, Jumat (02/03/12). Sebagai...

Colorful boats to re-enact arrival of Islam in Mindanao

Cotabato City - Colorful and elaborately decorated boats will navigate along Rio Grande de Mindanao on Dec. 19 to commemorate the entry of Islamic missionary Shariff Kabunsuan to spread Islam in southern Philippines centuries ago. The celebration, called “Ginakit,” is expected once again to brighten the usually murky and now heavily silted waterways,...

Anwar Ibrahim: RI, M`sia, Thailand able to overcome poverty

Depok - Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand which are rich in natural resources should be able to overcome poverty if they improve supervision and strengthen cooperation and coordination among themselves, former Malaysian deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim said. If they could recover just 10 percent of the US$10 billion in financial losses they suffered...

Singapore hopes for smooth transition in Malaysia

Singapore - Singapore hopes there will be a smooth transition of leadership in Malaysia when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi steps down next March. “I hope for a smooth transition and for political stability,” Singapore`s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said of Malaysia to foreign journalists during a luncheon dialogue here today. Lee...

Govt promises bill to protect culture

Bali - The Justice and Human Rights Ministry is drafting a traditional knowledge and cultural expression bill in a bid to protect local cultural heritage from foreign exploitation, a high-ranking ministry official said Tuesday. The bill is expected to be presented to the House of Representatives for deliberation next year for prompt enactment,...

Dr M says there is no Ketuanan Melayu without parity

Kuala Lumpur - Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed joined the roiling debate on race relations by declaring there was no such thing as Ketuanan Melayu, or Malay Supremacy because racial parity had not been achieved yet. He also said that Malaysians were not yet ready for freedom of speech, while he also expressed doubts about Deputy Prime...

Batik`s recognition as world heritage expected in 2009

Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia is hoping the United Nations agency for cultural affairs UNESCO will have named its Batik cloth as a world heritage by September, 2009, a culture ministry official said. "We are optimistic about this since we have met all the requirements, not to mention the support from other countries," I Gusti Nyoman Widja, director...

Bringing local handicrafts, textiles to the Japanese market

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam`s handicraft and traditional textiles have vast potential to attract the interest of the Japanese market. However, local companies must first come up with the winning design in order to penetrate into the Land of the Rising Sun. The project to bring in Brunei`s handicraft and traditional textiles into Japan...

25% Of Malay Families In Singapore Do Not Speak Malay

Kuala Terengganu - Almost 25 percent of Malay families in Singapore are found to be more at ease speaking English than their own mother tongue at home. Singapore Malay Teachers Union president Dr Bibi Jan Md Ayub, who disclosed the matter, said it was a worrying phenomenon with most Malay parents encouraging their children to speak English at home. "The...

Indonesia to host ASEAN meeting

Jakarta - A meeting of Southeast Asian foreign ministers will now be held in Jakarta later this month following recent political turmoil in Thailand, an Indonesian official said. Thailand said it would postpone the Association of South East Asian Nations` (ASEAN) summit meeting, due to take place in the northern city of Chiang Mai from December...

Problems for Jambi`s Anak Dalam Tribe

Jambi - The life of the Anak Dalam tribe in Jambi is becoming more problematical. The Batin Sembilan group in Sungaiberuang village, Jambi, is facing difficulties in getting food. ”It is very difficult to find sweet potatoes, soft-shell turtles fish, and other animals for our daily food,” Datuk Bujang, 91, a leading figure of the Anak Dalam...

Class gets taste of Indonesia

Students immersed themselves in Indonesian culture at Maranatha Christian College, Endeavour Hills last week. Year 7 students were joined by an Indonesian husband-and-wife team called Baguskan, an Indonesian word for the phrase ‘it’s good isn’t it?’ Students learned an Indonesian cultural dance, played an instrument from an Indonesian Gamelan...

160 to attend local culture course

Bandar Seri Begawan - The sub-committee on Course and Workshop of the Supreme Executive Committee of Majlis Ramah Mesra of the Chinese New Year 2009 visited the Lapau, a venue for the Adat Istiadat course run by the Jabatan Adat Istiadat Negara. Course participants will also be visiting the Royal Regalia Building in the capital Chairman Lim...

Singapore Students Visit Brunei`s Cultural, Natural Heritage

Bandar Seri Begawan - Twenty Singaporean students visited the paddy field in Kampong Wasan recently. The students joined by 20 other local students, are here for a six-day friendship camp, entitled Brunei-Singapore Adventure Camp 2008. Besides visiting the paddy field, the students also hiked at the Bukit Shahbandar. Included in the programme...

Soi Lek: We in BN accept Malay leadership, not supremacy

Kuala Lumpur - MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said yesterday his recent comments on Malay leadership in the government had been distorted to make it seem as if he was questioning Malay rights and privileges. He said when he spoke about this in his speech during a function last Friday, he was not challenging the special privileges...

International keroncong festival to be held in Surakarta

Solo, Central Java - An International Keroncong Festival will be held in the palace of the Surakarta sultanate here from December 4 to 6, 2008. Some 14 `keroncong` groups, including one from Malaysia, are to participate in the festival, according to Beng Mitosih, chairman of the festival`s organizing committee, here on Tuesday. Famous Indonesian...

Bahasa Malaysia Not Neglected, Dewan Rakyat Told

Kuala Lumpur - Bahasa Malaysia has not been neglected as 59 per cent of the teaching and learning process in schools is still in the national language, said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong. As such, the ministry`s programme to have mathematics and science taught in English did not in any way sideline Bahasa Malaysia, he said when...

Indonesia offers to formalize ASEAN charter in Jakarta

Jakarta - Indonesia Monday proposes to formalize the ratification of the ASEAN Charter by all its 10 members in Jakarta if the security situation in Thailand does not allow it to be done there as planned. "Indonesia hopes Thailand can still host the 14th ASEAN summit on December 17-18 to formalize the charter. However, if it cannot, then at least...

Brunei-S`pore Youth Camp

Bandar Seri Begawan - Twenty youths from Singapore are taking part in an adventure camp here in Brunei as part of the Ministry of Education`s drive to raise the younger generation`s awareness and appreciation for culture, traditions and the natural environment. The students, accompanied by 20 local students from schools throughout the country,...

Last of Malaysian peace-keepers exit from Mindanao

Cotabato - The last batch of Malaysian peace-keepers flew out of Mindanao yesterday, throwing into doubt prospects of an immediate resumption of peace talks between Manila and Moro rebels. The 12 International Monitoring Team members boarded a military cargo plane for Kuala Lumpur. Twenty-one Malaysian soldiers and policemen had left in May. "Its...

Some 2,000 Indonesia small islands may disappear soon

Malang - At least 2,000 small islands across archipelagic Indonesia may disappear sooner or later as a consequence of excessive mining and other environment-damaging activities, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Freddy Numberi said here on Saturday. "Uncontrolled mining activities continue to threaten the existence of those small islands...

President meets with traditional kings and sultans

Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono here Saturday met with traditional kings and sultans grouped in the Nusantara Forum of Palaces and called on them to help safeguard the country`s national heritages. "Indonesia has a variety of cultures, arts and civilizations which show the greatness of the country. As the head of state, I expect all...

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