Kesenian sakral tidak bertujuan komersial

Denpasar, Bali - Pengamat kesenian Bali, Wayan Suarjaya, menyatakan bahwa kesenian sakral tidak pernah bertujuan untuk kepentingan bisnis dan komesial.

"Oleh sebab itu, sakral dan tidaknya suatu pertunjukkan seni dapat diukur dari beberapa kategori, seperti tarian itu tidak pernah diupah (disewa) untuk suatu pertunjukan hiburan yang bersifat komersial," kata dosen Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri (IHDN) Denpasar itu, Minggu.

Menurut dia, kesenian sakral untuk melengkapi kegiatan ritual umat Hindu di Pulau Dewata harus memenuhi beberapa ketentuan yang diwariskan secara turun temurun.

Ketentuan itu antara lain menyangkut upacara keagamaan mulai dari memilih bahan kayu yang akan digunakan memilih hari baik dan penarinya dinilai masih suci atau orang yang belum pernah kawin.

Demikian pula waktu pementasan, pelaku seni akan memilih hari yang baik karena tari sakral itu khusus dipersembahkan kehadapan leluhur dan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa pada hari-hari tertentu saat menggelar kegiatan ritual.

Kesenian sakral juga dipentaskan khusus untuk kelengkapan kegiatan keagamaan, dengan menggunakan perlengkapan atau peralatan yang khas.

"Orang yang menari adalah orang pilihan, baik secara skala melalui pilihan dan persetujuan dari masyarakat pendukung, atau melalui cara mohon petunjuk secara niskala," kata mantan Dirjen Bimas Hindu Departemen Agama.

Kesenian sakral yang ada di Bali antara lain tari Pendet, Baris Gede, Rejang, Sangyang, Topeng Dalem Sidakarya, Ketekok Jago, Wayang Lemah, dan Wayang Sapuh Leger.

"Tari sakral itu dipentaskan sesuai dengan kegiatan yang digelar, baik tempat suci dalam lingkungan keluarga (merajan) maupun di pura dalam lingkungan desa adat di Bali," kata Wayan Suarjaya. (T.I006/M038) 

Jumat, PNS Tanjung Balai wajib pakai teluk belanga

Tanjung Balai, Sumut - Jajaran aparatur pemerintahan dan tenaga pendidik di Kota Tanjung Balai, Sumatera Utara menggunakan busana "Teluk belanga" yang merupakan khas Melayu setiap hari Jumat.

Wali Kota Tanjung Balai Thamrin Munthe di Tanjung Balai, mengatakan, cukup banyak alasan yang menyebabkan pihaknya menggunakan busana melayu tersebut setiap hari Jumat.

Sejak lama, Tanjung Balai telah dikenal sebagai kota yang religius dengan letak wilayah yang berada di pesisir pantai sehingga selalu diidentikkan dengan etnis melayu.

Meski penduduk Tanjung Balai mayoritas beragama Islam, tetapi busana teluk belanga yang merupakan pakaian khas Melayu tersebut sangat merakyat, bahkan telah sering dipergunakan umat lain.

Warga non muslim di Tanjung Balai juga banyak yang senang menggunakan pakaian Melayu tersebut karena memiliki nilai seni dan keindahan serta memberikan rasa nyaman.

"Jangan identikkan pengguna pakaian Melayu pasti Islam. Ini pakaian Nusantara, ini budaya kita," katanya.

Untuk memperkuat kesan dan budaya Melayu tersebut, Pemkot Tanjung Balai menggiatkan penggunaan busana teluk belanga untuk seluruh jajaran aparatur pemerintah setiap hari Jumat.

Ia mengatakan, setelah disosialisasikan dan diterapkan, tidak ada satu pihak yang merasa keberatan dengan kebijakan untuk membangkitkan budaya melayu tersebut.

Bahkan, pihaknya mendapatkan dukungan dari berbagai pihak, termasuk kalangan guru yang rela menggunakan pakaian adat tersebut ketika memberikan pendidikan di sekolahnya masing-masing.

Sedangkan untuk kalangan pelajar, penggunaan busana melayu tersebut hanya bersifat anjuran, tanpa ada penekanan atau paksaan sedikit pun.

"Anak sekolah di sini ada yang menggunakan pakaian Melayu, ada juga yang hanya menggunakan baju 'koko'," katanya.

Menurut Wali Kota, penggunaan pakaian teluk belanga tersebut diperkirakan dapat mendekatkan hati penggunanya dengan budaya dan adat istiadat melayu di daerah itu.

Dengan kata lain, kebijakan untuk menggunakan pakaian Melayu itu dimaksudkan untuk membentuk karakter warga Tanjung Balai untuk semakin menghormati adat yang ada selama ini.

Pihaknya berkeyakinan, kebiasaan dan kebanggaan warga terhadap budaya Melayu itu akan memberikan pengaruh positif kepada pihak lain yang berkunjung ke Tanjung Balai.

"Mereka akan bilang, warga di sini menggunakan pakaian itu, berarti menghormati budaya," katanya.

Penggunaan pakaian seperti yang dianjurkan selama ini juga akan membangkitkan rasa kekeluargaan yang tinggi di kalangan warga Tanjung Balai sehingga dapat memperkuat dan membangun silaturahim dan persatuan di kalangan masyarakat.

"Itu ajaran yang sangat baik. Jadi, komunikasi yang terbangun adalah komunikasi persaudaraan," kata Wali Kota.

Polres Pacitan Tangkap Mahasiswa Pengedar Video Mesum

Pacitan - Kepolisian Resor Pacitan, Jawa Timur menangkap dua pemuda yang diduga terlibat dalam pembuatan dan penyebaran video mesum yang sempat membuat heboh masyarakat setempat dalam dua pekan terakhir. Kedua pemuda yang sama-sama berstatus mahasiswa di salah satu universitas itu kini ditahan dengan status tersangka.

"Pengakuannya begitu, tapi kami masih mendalami kebenarannya apakah memang sekedar iseng atau ada unsur kesengajaan (memproduksi dan mengedarkan)," kata Kasat Reserse Kriminal (Reskrim) Kepolisian Resor (Polres) Pacitan Ajun Komisaris Sukimin, Sabtu (28/5).

"Keterangan pelaku (WR), perbuatan asusila itu dulunya direkam untuk dokumen mereka sendiri. Tapi entah bagaimana caranya, file adegan mesum yang semula tersimpan di ponsel milik tersangka WR itu akhirnya berpindah tangan ke ponsel milik HS (24). Ini masih kami telusuri," imbuh Sukimin.

Dalam menangani kasus ini, polisi menggunakan jerat hukum berbeda dalam memproses kedua tersangka. Tersangka WR dijerat Undang-undang nomor 23 tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak. Sedangkan HS yang diduga berperan sebagai penyebar dikenai Undang-undang Pornografi serta undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dengan ancaman hukuman 10 penjara.

Dalam rekaman video berdurasi sekitar 20 menit itu, dua makhluk berlainan jenis itu tampak melakukan adegan layaknya suami istri. Video porno tersebut kabarnya sempat beredar di kalangan remaja Kota Pacitan dan sekitarnya sejak pertengahan Mei lalu. Tidak hanya dari ponsel ke ponsel, gambar mesum mereka ditengarai juga telah merambah di kalangan pengguna internet hingga ke luar kota/daerah. (Ant/OL-04) 

Pasar Tradisional Indonesia Tampil di Swiss

Jakarta - Tepatnya di Robertseidelhof, Zurich, Swiss, digelar acara unik bertajuk Pasar Minggu, pasar tradisional yang menjual ragam makanan dan jajanan khas nusantara. Di sini tersedia mulai dari bubur ayam Bandung, bakso, pecel, gudeg, combro, mpek-mpek Palembang, rujak cingur, hingga nasi Padang.

Yanthi Sidler selaku koordinator penyelenggara menyebutkan kegiatan Pasar Minggu diadakan setiap bulan pada minggu ketiga. Pasar Minggu selanjutnya akan diadakan tanggal 19 Februari 2012, mulai jam 11.00 hingga jam 17.00 waktu setempat.

Selain memenuhi permintaan masyarakat Indonesia dengan menyajikan ajang promosi kuliner nusantara, Pasar Minggu juga menyediakan ragam keperluan dapur. Keuntungan yang didapat akan disumbangkan ke sebuah rumah Yatim Piatu di daerah Jawa Barat.

Saat menjelang siang, pengunjung semakin bertambah. Mereka yang datang merupakan sanak keluarga masyarakat Indonesia yang tinggal di pelosok Swiss seperti Zuerich, Baden, Lausanne, bahkan Bodensee di daerah Jerman dan dari Lugano dekat perbatasan Italia. Biasanya mereka datang bersama para kerabat dari berbagai bangsa.

Saat pengunjung menyantap makanan, mereka akan diberikan "Indonesia Destinations" yakni majalah promosi tujuan wisata Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh KBRI-Bern.

Pemprov Kalbar beri penghargaan tokoh pendidikan dan budaya

Pontianak, Kalbar - Empat dari enam budayawan dan tokoh pendidikan Kalimantan Barat yang sedianya menerima penghargaan saat Upacara HUT ke-55 pemerintah provinsi, Senin pagi, akhirnya hadir di acara ramah tamah di Pendopo Gubernuran, Senin malam.

Keempatnya yakni Gusti Syamsumin (tokoh pendidikan), Xaferius Fuad Asali (budayawan), John Bamba (budayawan), dan Wijaya Tandra (tokoh pendidikan).

Mereka menerima potongan kue ulang tahun yang diberikan oleh istri Gubernur Kalbar, Frederika Cornelis.

Sedangkan dua tokoh lain yang tidak hadir adalah Barnabas Simin dan Mardan Adijaya Kesuma Ibrahim (budayawan).

Informasi yang dihimpun, dua orang itu tidak hadir karena di saat bersamaan harus mengikuti acara lain yang sudah dijadwalkan sebelumnya.

Pemprov Kalbar dikabarkan telah memberi surat klarifikasi dan permohonan maaf kepada para tokoh itu.

Gubernur Kalbar Cornelis menyerahkan penghargaan tersebut termasuk para pemenang lomba dalam rangkaian kegiatan yang digelar guna memeriahkan HUT ke-55 Pemprov.

Keenam tokoh itu sendiri jadwal sebelumnya akan menerima penghargaan dari Pemprov Kalbar pada saat Upacara HUT ke-55 di halaman Kantor Gubernur Kalbar.

Namun karena masalah administrasi sehingga pemberian penghargaan ditunda dan diserahkan saat ramah tamah di Pendopo Gubernur Kalbar pada malam harinya.

Hal itu sempat membuat kecewa mereka. John Bamba saat di Kantor Gubernur Kalbar mengatakan, sebelum hadir pada upacara HUT Pemprov tersebut, mereka juga sudah dikumpulkan, mengikuti gladi resik pada Jumat (27/1) dan kemarin surat resmi serta pesan singkat melalui telepon mengenai rencana penyerahan penghargaan itu mereka terima dari Biro Kesejahteraan Sosial Pemprov Kalbar.

Tetapi setelah datang pukul 06.30 WIB dengan mengenakan jas lengkap, keenamnya tidak juga dipanggil untuk menerima penghargaan. "Kami sempat mengecek habis upacara tadi, dan dikasih tahu acaranya di ruang dalam. Tetapi ternyata hanya minum teh," katanya lagi.

XF Asali, yang sudah berusia 80 tahun, datang sejak pukul 06.30 WIB mengenakan jas lengkap. "Ya kecewa kita sudah datang tetapi acaranya tidak jadi," katanya.

Ia mengatakan secara pribadi sebenarnya "surprise" dengan adanya niat Pemprov memberikan penghargaan sebagai Tokoh Kebudayaan kepada dirinya.

Ia menunjukkan undangan resmi dari Pemprov yang isinya jadwal acara yang mesti dihadiri sebelum menerima penghargaan tersebut.

Istana Lima Laras Sumatra Utara Nyaris Roboh

Batu Bara, Sumut - Tidak pernah dirawat, bangunan Istana Lima Laras yang berada di Desa Lima Laras, Kecamatan Tanjung Tiram, Kabupaten Batu Bara, Sumatra Utara, nyaris roboh.

Datuk Muhammad Azminsyah (69 tahun), seorang cucu Datuk Matyoeda, mengatakan Istana Lima Laras yang merupakan peninggalan Kerajaan Melayu itu sudah kelihatan hancur dan dindingnya banyak yang lapuk dan terkelupas. Bagian atap istana juga bocor.

Bahkan, menurut dia, pintu masuk Istana Laras itu juga diganjal dengan kayu-kayu bekas, karena tidak berfungsi lagi, dan menjaga agar orang lain tidak sembarangan masuk. "Istana Lima Laras tersebut saat ini sudah dilupakan orang dan hanya sebagai saksi bisu, dan tidak seperti pada zaman dulu banyak dikunjungi masyarakat untuk melihat peninggalan bersejarah," kata Datuk Azminsyah.

Dia mengatakan, istana yang terdapat di Kabupaten Batu Bara itu, saat ini hanya menjadi kenangan dan tidak begitu dikenal lagi. Istana yang dibangun pada zaman pemerintahan kolonial Belanda itu, hanya sebagai saksi bisu sejarah, dan tidak ada lagi mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah dan termasuk dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Batu Bara, ujarnya.

"Saya yang selama ini menjaga dengan setia peninggalan Istana Lima Laras yang dibangun oleh Datuk Matyoeda, Raja Kerajaan Lima Laras ke- XII," kata Datuk Azminsyah.

Dia mengatakan, karena tidak adanya lagi bantuan dari Pemkab Batu Bara untuk merawat dan melestarikan istana tersebut, maka dirinya terpaksa harus mengeluarkan dana pribadi yang dirogoh dari kantongnya sendiri.

Biaya yang dikeluarkannya itu, yakni untuk pembayaran rekening listrik setiap bulannya mencapai ratusan ribu rupiah. "Tak mungkin istana tersebut dibiarkan gelap gulita pada malam hari, meskipun bangunan itu sudah jarang dikunjungi masyarakat," ujar Datuk Azminsyah.

Lebih jauh, dia mengatakan, Istana Lima Laras yang terdiri empat lantai itu, dibangun pada tahun 1912 oleh Datuk Matyoeda. Istana tersebut berada di atas tanah seluas 102 x 98 meter persegi, sangat mengagumkan dan semua bahan yang digunakan terbuat dari kayu yang diukir seperti bangunan melayu.

Bahkan, jelasnya, semua dinding, jendela, pintu, bentuknya sangat unik dan menakjubkan karena penuh dengan lukisan dan ukiran yang cantik dibuat arsitektur yang memiliki jiwa seni cukup tinggi."Pembangunan Istana Lima Laras itu, khusus mendatangkan tenaga ahli dari Cina dan Pulau Penang, Malaysia, serta sejumlah tukang dari sekitar lokasi pembangunan istana," kata Datuk Azminsyah.

Dengan kondisi yang memprihatinkan ini, Datuk Azminsyah pun mengharapkan adanya bantuan dana dari pemerintah daerah dan pemerintah pusat.

Atraksi Imlek Menghibur Warga Dumai

Dumai, Riau - Beragam atraksi hiburan yang digelar sehubungan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek 2563 di Kota Dumai, Provinsi Riau, dinikmati tak saja oleh Orang Tionghoa, tetapi menghibur seluruh warga berbagai latar etnis di ‘kota minyak‘ itu.

"Terlebih ketika pada malam puncak perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek di Klenteng ‘Hock Liong Kiong‘, kami menggelar atraksi hiburan menampilkan artis asal Taiwan, juga tarian barongsai," kata Ketua Panitia Hari Raya Imlek Kota Dumai, Acong, Senin.

Ia mengatakan, kegiatan hiburan kolosal yang menghimpun seluruh warga, merupakan kontribusi pihaknya untuk semakin memperkuat rasa kebersamaan di tengah keberagaman atau kebinekaan.

Apalagi, menurutnya, dari kegiatan-kegiatan atraksi hiburan terkait perayaan hari besar keagamaan ini, memberi peluang pula kepada sektor usaha menengah dan kecil (UMK) untuk mendirikan tempat-tempat jajanan kuliner serta penjualan pernak-pernik asesoris.

Dipaparkannya lagi, ritual khusus Tahun Baru Imlek 2563 itu telah berlangsung di Klenteng ‘Hock Liong Kiong’, Jalan Kelakap Tujuh, Kota Dumai, namun gelar hiburan perayaan masih berlangsung hingga kini.

"Puncaknya memang sudah terjadi pada hari Kamis (27/1) malam lalu yang dipadati ribuan pengunjung etnik keturunan Tionghoa dan masyarakat umum setempat, saat penampilan banyak atraksi, musik dan lagu dari artis Taiwan," tuturnya.

Dari pantauan ANTARA, kemeriahan suasana Imlek ketika itu tampak hampir di semua lingkungan klenteng oleh kaum keturunan, baik dewasa, remaja dan anak-anak.

Pengunjung masyarakat umum juga tak kalah banyaknya untuk menyaksikan berbagai hiburan dan artis yang menghibur.

Di sisi depan Klenteng, pengunjung sudah dihibur dengan atraksi ‘barongsai naga air‘ dan singa dengan iringan musik khas.

Sementara memasuki rumah ibadah umat Konghucu tersebut, bau khas asap upacara ritual sembahyang bakar kertas sangat kental tercium di seantero lingkungan Klenteng.

Kini, suasana Imlek pun masih terus terasa, karena banyak warga Tionghoa masih tetap setia datang bersembahyang di dalam gedung klenteng yang dilengkapi aneka sarana peribadatan serta patung-patung pemujaan berbagai ukuran.

Di sepanjang areal halaman belakang Klenteng ini selalu saja digelar pertunjukan atau hiburan gratis bagi masyarakat.

Di sekitar itu pula tampak pedagang dadakan yang menjual beraneka ragam jenis kuliner jajajan dan permainan anak-anak ciri khas Imlek serta pernak-pernik benda seni Tionghoa.

"Khusus pada malam puncak perayaan Kamis lalu, diperkirakan jumlah pengunjung yang hadir berkisar mencapai 10.000 orang. Selain itu, sebagai tamu kehormatan, diundang juga walikota setempat Khairul Anwar bersama Ketua DPRD dan sejumlah pejabat di lingkungan intansi vertikal," jelasnya.

Dikatakan, pihaknya akan terus menyuguhkan kemeriahan sebagai ungkapan syukur memasuki tahun baru ini.

"Ini merupakan kegiatan rutin tahunan yang diperuntukkan bagi seluruh umat Konghucu dan masyarakat umum di Dumai yang ingin bersukacita pada hari Imlek ini," kata Acong lagi.

Batik Belum Diakui di Jerman

Jakarta - Masyarakat Eropa khususnya Jerman sampai saat ini masih belum mengakui batik sebagai karya seni, kata seniman batik asal Berlin Joachim Blank.

"Hingga sekarang, ’fibre art’ seperti batik belum diakui sebagai karya seni. Pemerintah Jerman menggolongkannya pada kerajinan tangan, itu sebabnya saya tidak punya galeri di Berlin, saya hanya punya ’show room’ di studio saya sebagai ruang pameran," kata Blank di Jakarta, Kamis.

Meski demikian, Joachim Blank mengatakan bahwa batik memiliki makna ekspresif dan eksploratif.

Joachim Blank mengaku dia dapat menemukan kebebasan berkespresi dalam mengeksplorasi batik. "Ada banyak kemungkinan untuk berekspresi dalam batik, oleh karena itu saya memilih untuk menekuni seni batik sejak pertama kali saya mengenalnya pada awal tahun 80an dulu," kata dia.

Pria berusia 60 tahun tersebut menjelaskan bahwa dia dapat melakukan teknik-teknik luar biasa dalam "fibre art" atau seni serat dengan cara membatik.

"Saya selalu menggunakan teknik alami dalam membatik misalnya dengan mengecapkan kayu yang saya temukan di pinggir pantai, lalu setelah jadi, saya sedikit membakar material kain sehingga membentuk pola artistik," kata pria lulusan Art Academy di Stuttgart yang mengajar di Universitas Mainz tersebut.

"Dalam membatik, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bahan media untuk membatik, bahan-bahan seperti katun hingga sutra tenun memiliki struktur yang berbeda sehingga menimbulkan kesan mengkilap atau kusam, struktur kasar atau halus adalah ekspresi dari karakter dalam lukisan batik," kata dia.

"Saya berharap kedepannya, generasi muda Indonesia dapat mengapresiasi batik yang merupakan warisan hidup bangsanya."

Joachim yang kini menjabat sebagai kurator di Walter Spies Society dan Takhta-International Batik Art tersebut mulai mengembangkan kekagumannya terhadap batik, teknik ikat, dan cara pewarnaan alami selama ia melakukan perjalanan keliling Asia Tenggara pada masa 1985-1992.

Saat ini, karya-karya Joachim dipamerkan dalam pameran Batik indonesia "Warisan yang Hidup" yang digelar di Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat selama dua belas hari, mulai 25 Januari jingga 6 Februari 2012.

Dubes Korea: Saman Mewakili Spirit Bangsa Korea

Banda Aceh, NAD - Duta Besar Korea Selatan untuk Indonesia Kim Young Sun mengatakan tari saman mewakili spirit bangsa Korea.

"Tari saman merupakan jenis tarian yang sangat populer, dan kami lihat banyak memiliki kesamaan dengan gaya dan ciri khas bangsa Korea yang dinamis," kata Kim Young Sun, di Banda Aceh, Kamis.

Hal itu disampaikannya pada sela-sela pertemuan dengan Pemerintah Aceh yang diwakili Sekda T Setia Budi di ruang kerja gubernur.

Ia mengatakan, Aceh memiliki kekayaan alam dan khazanah budaya yang sangat bagus, sehingga Pemerintah Korea sangat tertarik untuk menjajaki berbagai kemungkinan kerja sama dengan Pemerintah Aceh.

"Kami berharap dengan terjalinnya hubungan yang berdasarkan pemahaman antara kedua budaya, yang bermuara pada persahabatan dan kerja sama lebih lanjut di berbagai bidang," kata Kim Young Sun yang baru pertama ke Aceh.

Kunjungan Dubes Korsel ke provinsi paling ujung barat Indonesia itu guna menghadiri pembukaan pusat kebudayaan Korea (Korea Cultural Center) di Universitas Syiah Kuala, meninjau komunitas masyarakat Korea Selatan di Aceh, dan meninjau keadaan Aceh pascatsunami.

Sementara itu, Sekda Aceh T Setia budi mengharapkan Korea dapat mengimplementasikan berbagai investasi yang ingin dilakukan di provinsi berpenduduk sekitar 4,6 juta jiwa itu.

"Kami berahap Korea dapat sunguh-sungguh mengimplementasikan kerja sama diberbagai sektor yang masih memiliki peluang cukup besar di Aceh," katanya.

Pihaknya meminta kepada seluruh jajaran Pemerintah Aceh untuk menindaklanjuti komunikasi yang telah terjalin dengan pihak Korea Selatan.

"Dengan adanya tindak lanjut dari komunikasi yang telah terbina tersebut memungkinkan pihak Korea untuk menginvestasikan berbagai sektor dalam upaya meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di masa mendatang," demikian T Setia Budi.

UKA ITB Gelar Pelatihan Tari Saman

Bandung, Jabar - Unit Kebudayaan Aceh (UKA) ITB menggelar pelatihan tari saman untuk umum. Pelatihan merupakan pra-event Gelar Budaya Aceh (GBA) 2012, perhelatan budaya Aceh yang diselenggarakan oleh UKA. Setelah berlatih selama bulan Februari 2012, peserta pelatihan akan tampil secara serentak di Pameran Budaya GBA 2012, Jumat (02/03/12).

Sebagai event pembuka GBA 2012, pelatihan tari saman memberi nuansa berlangsungnya GBA 2012 di sekitar kampus ITB. Diharapkan, pelatihan tari Saman dapat turut memperkenalkan budaya Aceh kepada masyarakat umum serta meningkatkan semangat untuk tetap menjaga nilai-nilai budaya.

Adinda Mutiara Ayu (Fisika 2009), salah satu anggota UKA menuturkan ketertarikannya terhadap tari Saman. "Saya penasaran bagaimana penari Saman bisa bergerak serentak dan cepat. Saya masuk UKA agar dapat belajar menari Saman," ungkapnya.

Lebih lanjut, gadis yang akrab dipanggil Dinda ini menuturkan, "Saman memiliki banyak sekali gerakan dasar tepuk tangan dan tepuk dada. Karena terdapat kombinasi gerakan yang tidak terbatas, penari Saman harus memilih gerakan mana yang akan dimasukkan dalam tarian. Tidak mungkin memasukkan semua, karena pasti capek menarikannya,"

Ketika ditanya kesanggupan menguasai gerakan-gerakan Saman dalam waktu satu bulan (durasi yang disediakan untuk pelatihan - red), Dinda menambahkan, "Sangat mungkin dikuasai dalam satu bulan. Gerakan Saman sebenarnya mudah. Latihan hanya digunakan untuk melatih kecepatan gerakan,"

Tergabung sebagai anggota UKA semenjak tahun 2009, gadis kelahiran 1991 ini sudah menguasai tiga tarian Aceh: tari Ratoh Duek (Saman), tari Rateeb, dan tari Ranup Lampuan. Khusus untuk tarian Ratoh Duek, dirinya telah menguasai sebanyak tiga versi tarian (tiga formasi gerakan yang berbeda-beda - red).

"Saya bukan berasal dari Aceh. Saya orang Jakarta yang tertarik dengan tarian Aceh," ungkapnya bangga.

Pendaftaran pelatihan tari Saman dapat dilakukan hingga Jumat (27/01/12) via online di sini atau on the spot di Boulevard ITB.

Colorful boats to re-enact arrival of Islam in Mindanao

Cotabato City - Colorful and elaborately decorated boats will navigate along Rio Grande de Mindanao on Dec. 19 to commemorate the entry of Islamic missionary Shariff Kabunsuan to spread Islam in southern Philippines centuries ago.

The celebration, called “Ginakit,” is expected once again to brighten the usually murky and now heavily silted waterways, as the Muslims celebrate the start of Islamization of Mindanao called Shariff Kabunsuan Festival.

With the theme “Celebrating Cultural Diversity,” this year`s observance of a festival honoring the arrival of the man credited for spreading Islam in Mindanao is designed to be simple yet very meaningful, Bai Sandra Sema, wife of Cotabato City Mayor Muslimin Sema said.

Bai Sandra, chair of the city tourism council, explained that only few major activities will be held, namely the civic-cultural parade, “Lilang-lilang,” Ginakit Fluvial parade, and Pagana (thanksgiving).

The Kuyog Street Dancing and Inaul Fashion Show will be missed this year in deference to the plight of thousands of Moro internally displaced persons in nearby towns.

Instead, it will be held on the 50th Araw ng Kutabato celebration next year.

The Ginakit fluvial parade will have P100,000 cash prize waiting for the champion and P75,000 for the second place and P50,000 for third. Expected to attend are 20 well decorated and very colorful boats.

Bai Sandra said a well-scripted, well-choreographed reenactment of the arrival of Shariff Kabunsuan will be performed by The Association of Maguindanao Artists (TAMA) as “lilang-lilang” or entertainment prior to the judging of “Ginakit” entries at the city wharf.

This city`s Shariff Kabunsuan Festival was adjudged as Best Tourism Event in the Philippines (city category) during the 7th ATOP (Association of Tourism Officers of the Philippines) Convention in Koronadal City.

The award was personally handed over by Tourism Secretary Joseph "Ace" Durano to Bai Sandra.

ATOP recognized the historicity of the Shariff Kabunsuan Festival as its distinctive feature against all the major festivals in the country.

It has features that are not shared by other festivals in the country. (PNA)

Source:  (December 5, 2008)

Anwar Ibrahim: RI, M`sia, Thailand able to overcome poverty

Depok - Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand which are rich in natural resources should be able to overcome poverty if they improve supervision and strengthen cooperation and coordination among themselves, former Malaysian deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim said.

If they could recover just 10 percent of the US$10 billion in financial losses they suffered every year by illegal logging, they would have enough to overcome poverty, Anwar said after giving a general lecture at the campus of the University of Indonesia in Depok, West Java, on Friday.

Therefore, the governments should continue building a strong and serious commitment to eradicate poverty, he said.

The global crisis currently gripping the world could be a starting point for the three governments to do something better in the future, he said.

According to Ibrahim, the world was currently facing a worse economic crisis than in 1998 as its impact would affect the world economy over the next two years.

"Therefore, the countries in the Southeast Asian region should deal with this problem by taking into account its long term impact on their economies," he said.

The governments should be able to adopt appropriate policies to face the crisis. "This economic crisis is more severe than the one in 1997-98 as its impact is affecting not only the financial system but also the economic system," he said.

In addition, the governments needed as soon as possible to build up their countries` economic strength on the basis of existing capabilities by withdrawing all the funds they had invested in foreign countries like Saudi Arabia and others.

The governments, he further said, should take into account the factor of competitiveness by focussing on the training of micro credit businesses. There should be balance in meeting the credit needs of conglomerates and of small people.

"Don`t give greater attention to business tycoons. Small businessmen should be equally treated to enable them to become strong. The more so, because the people feel ignored following the emergence of unstable political conditions," he said.

There was also a need to empower the people based on the existing economic, political, scientific and cultural capabilities.

Source:  (December 5, 2008)

Singapore hopes for smooth transition in Malaysia

Singapore - Singapore hopes there will be a smooth transition of leadership in Malaysia when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi steps down next March.

“I hope for a smooth transition and for political stability,” Singapore`s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said of Malaysia to foreign journalists during a luncheon dialogue here today.

Lee said Malaysia had gone through a number of major political developments in recent months and he hoped the power transition in Malaysia would go well.

Abdullah is expected to pass the premiership baton to his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, under an agreement reached within their Umno political party although the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition, of which Umno is a component member, won the general election early this year.

Lee said he also hoped that Singapore and Malaysia would continue to work together and improve their relations under Najib.

The dialogue, organised by the Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore (FCA), was attended by over 100 foreign journalists based in the city-state.

When asked whether the Iskandar Malaysia development in Johor was a threat or an opportunity to Singapore, Lee said “it is a challenge to us.”

Lee said that obviously Iskandar Malaysia would like to rival or outdo Singapore but the island republic would be much comfortable working with it “because we feel that Singapore and Johor, together we can be one big centre of vitality and growth and eventually create one critical mass and gain a wider range of opportunities and position ourselves for investors to come in.”

The prime minister said foreign investors could take advantage of what both Singapore and Johor had to offer.

Lee said there would be more growth to go around and he added that the competition between the two neighbours “is not Singapore versus Johor, but Singapore versus Shenzhen or Singapore versus Shanghai or Singapore versus Mumbai”. But he added that there was always more competition and cooperation in the national economy.

Lee also touched on the development of the Asean Summit which was postponed by Thailand, the host for this year`s meeting, to March next year due to the political crisis in Bangkok.

The prime minister said the postponement was a setback to Asean because Asean`s cooperation was vital to all its members.

He said this cooperation had to press on regardless of the political developments in any member countries and it should not be held back by any member just because it was preoccupied by domestic matters.

However, Lee said, the substance of the Asean Summit would proceed because the Asean foreign ministers would continue to meet and bring the Asean Charter to effect.

He added that the Asean trade ministers were also arranging to meet and their agendas included meeting with their dialogue partners to put the final touches to the free trade agreements which had been concluded and needed to be decided upon and brought to effect quickly.

Lee reiterated that the summit could not be postponed for too long because with the current global financial environment affecting all the Asean countries, its leaders needed to meet their dialogue partners to exchange views and compare notes and send a clear signal to the world that “Asean is still in business”.

He said that was why Singapore had suggested that the summit be held in January rather than later in March, and if there was a necessity, the summit could be held in Jakarta, the headquarters of the Asean secretariat, with the Thais still the host. Bernama

Source:  (December 5, 2008)

Govt promises bill to protect culture

Bali - The Justice and Human Rights Ministry is drafting a traditional knowledge and cultural expression bill in a bid to protect local cultural heritage from foreign exploitation, a high-ranking ministry official said Tuesday.

The bill is expected to be presented to the House of Representatives for deliberation next year for prompt enactment, Anshori Sinungan, the ministry`s director general for intellectual property rights, said.

One of the main points in the draft, he said, concerned communal property rights, requiring foreign nationals to seek permission from the relevant local authority before using traditional culture.

"If the culture is owned by some regions, then the permit will be issued at the authority of the provincial government," he told The Jakarta Post here Tuesday.

Anshori was in Denpasar for a two-day international conference on intellectual property and creative industries, organized by the United Nation`s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The conference ended Wednesday.

He said a decisive approach to such protection at the international level was not possible because many developed countries were worried it would harm their business interests.

"Our country can make its own law first while waiting for the dispute to be settled," Anshori said during his speech at the conference.

Another speaker, Indonesian fashion designer and batik maker Yosephine Komara, said she supported the idea of protecting indigenous designs but stressed the importance of defining and raising public awareness of shared knowledge and cultural heritage.

"Traditional designs, such as the basic technique of batik hand-waxing and stamping, for example, has long existed and no one can claim any intellectual property right to it. It should be classified as shared knowledge," she said.

She objected to the idea of one country claiming ownership over another country`s traditional designs, saying the government needed to make inventories of the intellectual property of traditional knowledge at all levels, including the individual, city and province levels.

Sapta Nirwandar, director general of marketing at the Culture and Tourism Ministry, said the country was striving for WIPO`s recognition of indigenous property rights and was less interested in the issue of royalties.

"We want recognition for our heritage and we should also recognize other countries`. It`s just impossible to get royalties from communal works," he said.

Indonesia, a home for hundreds of kinds of traditional culture in the creative industries, is also home to widespread piracy crimes, which are believed to be the biggest obstacle to the industry`s growth. -- Indah Setiawati

Source:  (December 5, 2008)

Dr M says there is no Ketuanan Melayu without parity

Kuala Lumpur - Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed joined the roiling debate on race relations by declaring there was no such thing as Ketuanan Melayu, or Malay Supremacy because racial parity had not been achieved yet.

He also said that Malaysians were not yet ready for freedom of speech, while he also expressed doubts about Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak`s leadership abilities.

Speaking on a special interview with Riz Khan on satellite television station Al-Jazeera, he said that Malays were in fact, the underdogs.

"There is no such thing as Ketuanan Melayu. We are the underdog.

"The shoe-polisher is not the Tuan (master). The man who pays you is the Tuan. I used to have a Chinese driver, he called me Tuan," he quipped.

Dr Mahathir defended the Malay affirmative action policies in Malaysia despitethe fact that Malays formed the majority of the country, whereas affirmative action in other countries were implemented to help minorities.

"It is not about majority or minority. It is to address the disparity.

"The Chinese dominate the economy but the majority is poor and we need to bring them up to achieve parity," he said.

Having been in office for over two decades, Malaysia`s longest serving Prime Minister added that the stronger presence of the Malays in the political field was to balance out the dominance of the Chinese in the economy.

He also added that there was nothing to stop the country from having a non-Malay Prime Minister so long as "he has the support of the majority."

When Khan suggested that the system was skewed to the Malays, Dr Mahathir disagreed, saying "it is not skewed, it is in the constitution."

Dr Mahathir also insisted that he was a Malay and not an Indian. Khan had implied that Dr Mahathir had tried to deny his Indian ancestry in the past.

"There is a lot of foreign blood in this country... we are at the crossing point between the East and West," Mahathir replied, adding that he is Malay by definition.

He also expressed concerns that current Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak might not step up to the premiership after the March Umno party polls despite winning the presidency unconstested.

Dr Mahathir had recently said that his successor and current Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi may choose to stay on as PM despite not being Umno president, which he claims will be to the detriment of the party and country.

"Najib has not shown any strength in the political field. He is more a follower than a leader and he must change that," Dr Mahathir explained.

Khan then asked if this "change" meant a reversion to "Mahathirism."

"Mahathirism... I do not know what that is," was the elder statesman`s reply.

He rejected the idea that his rule was autocratic but merely "sensible" due to the fact that Malaysia is "prone to instability" as it is a multiracial society. He further suggested that Mahathirism was synonymous with economic development instead.

On this point, he also criticised the level of openness practised by the current administration, stating that the country is not ready for such liberalisation.

"They say it is good to be more open but it is premature. The people do not understand freedom of speech and it has caused racial tension," he said.

He told Khan that in his tenure as Prime Minister, such matters were discussed between leaders behind closed doors. He concurred with the suggestion that racial sentiments were more heated today than during his premiership as "now, the different races are at each other`s throats.” By Shannon Teoh

Source:  (December 5, 2008)

Batik`s recognition as world heritage expected in 2009

Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia is hoping the United Nations agency for cultural affairs UNESCO will have named its Batik cloth as a world heritage by September, 2009, a culture ministry official said.

"We are optimistic about this since we have met all the requirements, not to mention the support from other countries," I Gusti Nyoman Widja, director of traditions at the tourism and culture ministry, said here Thursday.

Speaking at a seminar themed "Protection and Development of Traditional Knowledge and the Expression of Traditional Culture" in Nusa Dua, Widja said recognition as a world heritage would enhance the image of batik as well of Indonesia as its country of origin.

Then, he said, UNESCO would provide funds for its preservation and it would also be safe from other countries‘ claims.

According to Widja, the Indonesian government submitted its proposal to recognize batik as a world heritage to UNESCO in September, 2008. The process thereafter went well as there were no objections from countries like Brunei Drausslam or Malaysia during a UNESCO meeting to discuss the proposal.

The discussions in UNESCO, he said, were expected to run for a year and Indonesia should therefore know the result by September 2009.

Batik would be the third cultural product from Indonesia named a World Intangible Heritage after the Wayang (traditional puppets used in narration-supported shadow plays) and the Keris (ceremonial dagger).

UNESCO had certified Wayang as a "Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" in November 2003 and given a similar status to the Keris in November 2005.

Source:  (December 5, 2008)

Bringing local handicrafts, textiles to the Japanese market

Bandar Seri Begawan - Brunei Darussalam`s handicraft and traditional textiles have vast potential to attract the interest of the Japanese market. However, local companies must first come up with the winning design in order to penetrate into the Land of the Rising Sun.

The project to bring in Brunei`s handicraft and traditional textiles into Japan come under the Development and Export Promotion of Brunei Handicraft Product under Brunei Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (BJEPA).

Mr Yoshio Namula, one of the experts and president of the textile company NEED`K Co Ltd, who is currently touring Brunei`s local textile companies, in an interview said: "Brunei`s handicraft and traditional textiles have their uniqueness and are polished to a higher standard compared to other Asean countries. However, in order to attract Japanese buyers, some modifications must to be done."

"There are two factors that need improvement. One of which is to modify Brunei`s distinct unique products to cater to the Japanese market whether their design patents or colours.

"The other is that companies still have a lot to learn about the price ranges and procedure of exporting their products overseas," he said.

On the preference of the Japanese market, he described that Japanese taste is very flexible and they like unique cultural products. The current basic trend is ethnicity and cultural-based products. Therefore, there is a huge market in Japan.

On Monday, Mr Yoshio Namula visited the Bajoo Fashion House.

Yesterday, he paid a visit to another local fashion house to give some advice on their products.

"In order for Brunei`s products to penetrate into the Japanese market, it will first have to be showcased at exhibitions. To enter the exhibition, the company needs to make preparation on the quality and design to suit the market. Therefore, Brunei companies might have to adjust the design until it meets the market`s expectation," he said.

"Successful Brunei companies can showcase their products at the end of next year at a major international exhibition in Tokyo," he added.

As an expert in textile, he said: "The batik and Kain Tenunan of Brunei are very interesting and with a few new designs, it may become attractive products in Japan," he said.

Speaking on other Asean countries that have made a huge impact in Japan are companies from Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and European countries.

Next year, Mr Yoshio Namula will visit the Sultanate to look at the progress in the creation of the products that will attract Japanese buyers.

Source:  (December 4, 2008)

25% Of Malay Families In Singapore Do Not Speak Malay

Kuala Terengganu - Almost 25 percent of Malay families in Singapore are found to be more at ease speaking English than their own mother tongue at home.

Singapore Malay Teachers Union president Dr Bibi Jan Md Ayub, who disclosed the matter, said it was a worrying phenomenon with most Malay parents encouraging their children to speak English at home.

"The absence of any effort to reinforce systematic usage of the Malay language has resulted in more Malay families in the republic not using their mother tongue and this situation has posed a major problem to the teaching and learning of the language," she said when speaking at an international seminar on the Malay language in the communication era of globalisation here today.

The seminar is organised by Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) with the cooperation of the East Region Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) and the Malaysian Malay Language Education Association (PPBMM).

Meanwhile, a member of Parliament from Patani in South Thailand, Senator Dr Worawit Baru Ahmad Idris, said the teaching of the Malay language in his country was also not systematic and lacked attention from the government.

He said that despite no formal learning in Malay language, but only used by children in religious classes, the language had yet to perish in Thailand because it was still spoken by the Thais.

Worawit said Malaysia should be the prime mover to promote Malay language in Asia.

A representative from Indonesia, deputy vice-chancellor of student affairs at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Profesor A Chaedar Alwasilah, said he was worried with the tendency among government leaders in the country to use English as a medium of language.

He said there were attempts to eliminate Malay language by the western world who claimed that the language was not applicable in the development of science and technology.

"In Indonesia, the knowledge culture continues to be neglected to an extent that it hampers efforts to elevate the Malay language," he added.

Former DBP director-general Dato A Aziz Deraman said many people had a negative perception of those who fought for the Malay language and accused them of rejecting English usage in education.

"We do not reject English as a language for knowledge, but the value and status of the Malay language have to be preserved and maintained because it is an official language in the country," he added. (Bernama)

Source:  (December 4, 2008)

Indonesia to host ASEAN meeting

Jakarta - A meeting of Southeast Asian foreign ministers will now be held in Jakarta later this month following recent political turmoil in Thailand, an Indonesian official said.

Thailand said it would postpone the Association of South East Asian Nations` (ASEAN) summit meeting, due to take place in the northern city of Chiang Mai from December 13-17.

"There is a proposal from Thailand as the head of ASEAN to hold the meeting on December 15 at the Secretariat in Jakarta," Teuku Faizasyah, a spokesman for Indonesia`s foreign ministry said, adding technical preparations were being made.

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono offered to step in to host some of the meetings, including the meetings of foreign ministers meeting and finance ministers.

Yudhoyono had underlined the importance of meeting to officially introduce the new ASEAN Charter, which aims to set up a political, economic and social bloc of half a billion people, and is due to come into force in mid-December.

It was also important to discuss a pool of currency swap lines called the Chiang Mai Initiative, he said.

Faizasyah said discussions were still being held on whether a meeting of finance ministers from ASEAN and the group`s dialogue partners China, Japan and South Korea would take place on Bali.

ASEAN comprises the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. Reuters

Source:  (December 4, 2008)

Problems for Jambi`s Anak Dalam Tribe

Jambi - The life of the Anak Dalam tribe in Jambi is becoming more problematical.

The Batin Sembilan group in Sungaiberuang village, Jambi, is facing difficulties in getting food.

”It is very difficult to find sweet potatoes, soft-shell turtles fish, and other animals for our daily food,” Datuk Bujang, 91, a leading figure of the Anak Dalam Batin Sembilan tribe, told Tempo yesterday (30/11).

The reason for these problems is because the forests where the tribe to live as well as the source of their food sources have been converted to plantation areas.

Source:  (December 1, 2008)

Class gets taste of Indonesia

Students immersed themselves in Indonesian culture at Maranatha Christian College, Endeavour Hills last week.

Year 7 students were joined by an Indonesian husband-and-wife team called Baguskan, an Indonesian word for the phrase ‘it’s good isn’t it?’

Students learned an Indonesian cultural dance, played an instrument from an Indonesian Gamelan orchestra and watched a shadow puppet performance of a traditional Indonesian folk story called Ramayana.

“Students were very excited about it,” Year 7 Indonesian teacher Helen Jarosz said.

“I think it’s really important for students to be exposed to outside visitors, as well as take part in cultural events. It was a great opportunity to learn about Indonesian culture and practice language skills.”

Source:  (December 4, 2008)

160 to attend local culture course

Bandar Seri Begawan - The sub-committee on Course and Workshop of the Supreme Executive Committee of Majlis Ramah Mesra of the Chinese New Year 2009 visited the Lapau, a venue for the Adat Istiadat course run by the Jabatan Adat Istiadat Negara.

Course participants will also be visiting the Royal Regalia Building in the capital

Chairman Lim Kee Soon said the course is meant to help the Chinese community members to know more about the local culture.

It includes the accepted ways in greeting members of the royal family especially during the Majlis Ramah Mesra Tahun Baru Cina 2009 next February.

Participants will learn Adat Istiadat Brunei, Bahasa Dalam dan Kepentingannya, Tata Tertib di Majlis-Majlis Beradat Istiadat, Susunan Kedudukan Jemputan, Terasul dan Bahasa Pengganti Diri, Melakukan Sembah Hormat / Laila Sembah, Bengkel Menambat Dastar / Memakai-makai and Pengenalan Mengenai Gendang Naubat / Gendang Jaga-Jaga.

The course from Dec 10 to 13 at the Institute of Civil Services will be participated by 160 members of the Chinese community. The advisors are Dr Chan Sui Kiat, Tan Liang Toon and Jackson Ting Jack Hing.

The closing ceremony and the presentation of certificates to course participants will be held on Dec 13 at the Hua Ho Mall.

Participants are called on to fully concentrate on the course and take advantage of the free training. The effort is meant to maintain harmony and stability in the community that will ensure the country‘s continued peace and prosperity.

The supreme executive committee will organise the annual banquet of the Majlis Ramah Mesra Hari Raya Cina 2009.

In the past, it had had been attended by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam and other members of the royal family, Cabinet Ministers and deputy ministers, senior government officers, directors, permanent secretaries, diplomats, business associates and Chinese community members. By Rosli Abidin Yahya

Source:  (December 3, 2008)

Singapore Students Visit Brunei`s Cultural, Natural Heritage

Bandar Seri Begawan - Twenty Singaporean students visited the paddy field in Kampong Wasan recently.

The students joined by 20 other local students, are here for a six-day friendship camp, entitled Brunei-Singapore Adventure Camp 2008.

Besides visiting the paddy field, the students also hiked at the Bukit Shahbandar.

Included in the programme in the coming days in Brunei are witnessing sago processing in Tutong, eating ambuyat, participating in challenging activities at Temburong National Park, visiting Kg Amo Longhouse in Temburong, watching the manufacturing of traditional food of wajid and cendol in Temburong and many more.

Yesterday, the students visited the Tasek Merimbun.

Separated by the South China Sea, there are much to learn about each other, the students said, both in terms of culture and its geography. The students told the Bulletin that they had so far enjoyed their programme here in Brunei, adding that Brunei has so many unexpected surprises.

Throughout the camping, students from both sides will interact and take part in team building adventure activities and games to promote international understanding, collaboration and bonding. By Azaraimy HH

Source:  (November 3, 2008)

Soi Lek: We in BN accept Malay leadership, not supremacy

Kuala Lumpur - MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said yesterday his recent comments on Malay leadership in the government had been distorted to make it seem as if he was questioning Malay rights and privileges.

He said when he spoke about this in his speech during a function last Friday, he was not challenging the special privileges of the Malay rulers, Bumiputera rights and Bahasa Malaysia, but rather on the use of the phrase "ketuanan Melayu" (Malay supremacy).

"All I said was that under the Barisan Nasional power-sharing concept, we accept Malay leadership but not ketuanan Melayu.

"I did not question the rights of the Malay rulers, the Bumiputeras and Bahasa Malaysia as the national language, as enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

"But certain quarters exploited the issue by taking my speech out of context as if I am questioning these rights," he told a press conference at the MCA headquarters.

Dr Chua added that by extending the "ketuanan Melayu" phrase to all aspects of Malay rights within the power-sharing concept of the BN, it gave the impression that BN component parties were servants of Umno, which dominates the ruling coalition.

"I called for a change in the concept of power-sharing in the BN as the component parties champion the rights of all races.

"This is important under the two-party system for us to be competitive. But certain quarters distorted my speech for personal gain."

He added that during the March 8 general election, the opposition stirred fire by telling non-Malays in the campaign that voting for the BN was like supporting ketuanan Melayu.

"This brought confusion and we had great difficulty explaining the true picture to our supporters.

On Sunday, the Young Malay Graduates Movement demanded Dr Chua pay RM2 million in compensation for allegedly questioning the special position of the Malays.

Jerlun member of parliament Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir also on Sunday accused Dr Chua of trying to be a hero by challenging Malay rights.

"There is no reason for me to attempt to be a hero as the MCA polls are over. In fact, my detractors are the ones who will be facing their party elections."

He called on all concerned to read his actual speech in full and dismiss the unfounded allegations.

Asked if he was contemplating legal action, Dr Chua said he could not stop anyone from criticising him.

On the call by Mukhriz for vernacular schools in its current format to be abolished, Dr Chua said the Federal Constitution guaranteed the people the freedom to pursue their mother tongue and freedom of choice in education, just like in practising one`s own religion, culture and tradition.

"It will not make one less Malaysian if we did so," he said.

Source:  (December 3, 2008)

International keroncong festival to be held in Surakarta

Solo, Central Java - An International Keroncong Festival will be held in the palace of the Surakarta sultanate here from December 4 to 6, 2008.

Some 14 `keroncong` groups, including one from Malaysia, are to participate in the festival, according to Beng Mitosih, chairman of the festival`s organizing committee, here on Tuesday.

Famous Indonesian singers such as Melly Goeslaw, Ikhsan Ido, and Tia AFI will perform at the festival of one of Indonesia`s traditional musical arts.

The participating keroncong groups will include Harmony Chinese Music from Bandung (West Java), Johor Heritage Foundation of Malaysia, Irama Bama of Surabaya (East Java), and Rinonce of Yogyakarta.

The festival is also expected to help promote Surkarta`s tourism.

Source:  (December 2, 2008)

Bahasa Malaysia Not Neglected, Dewan Rakyat Told

Kuala Lumpur - Bahasa Malaysia has not been neglected as 59 per cent of the teaching and learning process in schools is still in the national language, said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong.

As such, the ministry`s programme to have mathematics and science taught in English did not in any way sideline Bahasa Malaysia, he said when replying to a supplementary question from Ismail Kasim (BN-Arau) in the Dewan Rakyat Monday.

In fact, Wee said, Bahasa Malaysia was being used at the international level and was now offered as a course in Beijing for undergraduates in China.

He had earlier dismissed claims by Nurul Izzah Anwar (PKR-Lembah Pantai) that the use of English in the Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) examination had caused the standard of Bahasa Malaysia to fall.

Wee said the UPSR served as a benchmark to determine whether the two subjects should continue to be taught in English.

"This issue is being handled at roundtable discussions. No need to politicise it," he said, adding that the ministry was cooperating with the Unity, Culture and Arts Ministry to further strengthen Bahasa Malaysia although English and Mathematics was being taught in English.

Source:  (December 1, 2008)

Indonesia offers to formalize ASEAN charter in Jakarta

Jakarta - Indonesia Monday proposes to formalize the ratification of the ASEAN Charter by all its 10 members in Jakarta if the security situation in Thailand does not allow it to be done there as planned.

"Indonesia hopes Thailand can still host the 14th ASEAN summit on December 17-18 to formalize the charter. However, if it cannot, then at least the foreign ministers could meet at the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta to do so," Antara news agency quoted President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as saying here Monday.

The president said the ASEAN charter should be formalized soon as there was a need to hold the 14th ASEAN summit as agreed at the13th ASEAN summit in Singapore last year.

The 14th Summit was also important to officially announce ASEAN` steps to overcome the global crisis as called for in the Chiang Mai Initiative.

On the Chiang Mai Initiative, Yudhoyono suggested that the ASEAN finance ministers discuss the matter in a meeting in Bali.

ASEAN member governments were discussing the holding of the 14th ASEAN Summit with the ASEAN Secretary General, Surin Pitsuwan, he said.

The ASEAN charter would be ASEAN`s legal umbrella which has been ratified by all of its 10 member countries.

Thailand as the ASEAN chair of current period was scheduled to host the 14th ASEAN Summit on December 17-18 in Chiang Mai.

However, the situation inside the country after the siege of Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang international airports by the People`s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) have given rise to speculation that Bangkok may have to postpone the meeting.

ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan was reported to visit Bangkok to obtain certainty about the Thai government`s preparations for the 14th ASEAN summit.

Brunei-S`pore Youth Camp

Bandar Seri Begawan - Twenty youths from Singapore are taking part in an adventure camp here in Brunei as part of the Ministry of Education`s drive to raise the younger generation`s awareness and appreciation for culture, traditions and the natural environment.

The students, accompanied by 20 local students from schools throughout the country, will hopefully be able to take the camp as an excellent way to develop new skills and appreciation along with making friends and cooperation with other countries, said the Permanent Secretary (core education) of the Ministry of Education Datin Paduka Apsah Hj Abdul Majid.

Darin Paduka Apsah noted that through the week long outdoor experience, the students from both countries can nurture their full potential for becoming future leaders as the unique exposure will enable them to inculcate a collective responsibility in caring for the environment as well as give them the opportunity to build their characters.

Quoting the camp theme "This is Where the Friendship Blooms" the permanent secretary said she is hoping that the meeting will be able to show the participants that people everywhere have similar dreams and fears even where traditions and customs may vary.

She also said that the experience, based on last year`s camp which was first introduced to the two countries and hosted by Singapore, the participants will be able to cultivate a new sense of confidence and community as they put to test new found skills and encourage their peers to meet the same challenges that they will have to go through.

The Brunei-Singapore Adventure Camp 2008, which is hosted by the Brunei Ministry of Education at the Wasan Vocational School this year, will run for seven days until December 7.

Participants are scheduled to go through a series of activities designed to introduce and familiarize themselves with the Brunei tradition, economy, culture and people, similar to the camp that was held in Singapore last year which showed Brunei students the Singapore way of life.

Among the activities planned out for the week by the organizers include a trip to the Wasan Paddy Fields, Tasek Merimbun Recreational Park, an Ambulong Factory and a trip to Temburong where they will witness the processing of a local malay dessert namely wajid.

Bruneian Students camp coordinator Cikgu Norsuzilawati Ahmad said that the experience gained by last year`s students showed positive results as they seemed more confident and outgoing compared to before when they started especially in meeting new people.

Singaporean camp coordinator from the Singapore Ministry of Education, Kuang Yoke Wei, agreed to her comments saying that the Bruneian students in last year`s event started out slow but in the end were much more open, enthusiastic and even more interested much like their Singaporean counterparts. By Syed Rory Malai Hassan

Source:  (December 01, 2008)

Last of Malaysian peace-keepers exit from Mindanao

Cotabato - The last batch of Malaysian peace-keepers flew out of Mindanao yesterday, throwing into doubt prospects of an immediate resumption of peace talks between Manila and Moro rebels.

The 12 International Monitoring Team members boarded a military cargo plane for Kuala Lumpur. Twenty-one Malaysian soldiers and policemen had left in May.

"Its nice to go home but leaving behind friends is hard. We hope that we can come back again in a different capacity," said mission head First Admiral Pahlawan Amzah bin Sulaiman before departing.

"I hope that the Philippine government and MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front) can resume the peace talks soon," he added.

The Malaysians have made up the bulk of the small international monitoring team which has overseen a 2003 ceasefire between the government and the separatist MILF.

Members from Brunei, Libya and Japan will continue with their work, although with barely two dozen covering the South, it is unlikely they will be effective, officials have said.

Lack of progress
Malaysia has said it was pulling out its troops due to a lack of progress in the peace talks, which have been suspended since President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ordered a massive assault on the rebels in August.

A fresh breakdown in talks came after MILF fighters staged a series of coordinated attacks across several towns and provinces in Mindanao that left hundreds of thousands displaced and dozens dead.

The attacks came shortly after the Supreme Court issued an injunction against a proposed deal that would have given the rebels control over 700 towns and territories across Mindanao. It subsequently ruled the deal was unconstitutional.

The Brussels-based International Crisis Group, which tracks conflicts worldwide, has said that while the fighting will not lead to an all-out war covering the whole of Mindanao, it does not see both sides returning to the table for talks anytime soon.

Source:  (November 30, 2008)

Some 2,000 Indonesia small islands may disappear soon

Malang - At least 2,000 small islands across archipelagic Indonesia may disappear sooner or later as a consequence of excessive mining and other environment-damaging activities, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Freddy Numberi said here on Saturday.

"Uncontrolled mining activities continue to threaten the existence of those small islands but I wonder why nobody, including the hundreds of state and private institutes of higher leaning in the country, speaks up and does something to stop those activities," Numberi said.

The minister made the statement after delivering a scientific speech before hundreds of students at a graduation ceremony at Malang`s Muhammadiyah University.

Numberi said more than 24 small islands in the country had already disappeared so far and eight of them used to be part of the Seribu (Thousand) Islands in the Jakarta Bay. Most of the islands that had vanished were uninhabited.

He said to ensure the legitimacy of Indonesia`s ownership over the scattered islands, his ministry had conducted expeditions to to inventorize them, and was registering them with the United Nations in phases.

So far, his ministry had registered a total of 4,000 islands with the United Nations and would do the same on 6,000 more in the near future.

Numberi said there were 17,504 major and smaller islands in Indonesia. If there was no effort to stop massive sand mining activities on many of the small ones, more than 2,000 of them would disappear sooner or later.

Source: (November 29, 2008)

President meets with traditional kings and sultans

Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono here Saturday met with traditional kings and sultans grouped in the Nusantara Forum of Palaces and called on them to help safeguard the country`s national heritages.

"Indonesia has a variety of cultures, arts and civilizations which show the greatness of the country. As the head of state, I expect all kings and sultans to play a role in preserving and developing the national heritages ," he said.

He said the development of national heritages included development of cultures, traditions and wisdoms. "You all can also play a role in national development in all fields," he said.

He said the traditional rulers` participation in national development would contribute much to the nation.

On the occasion the President also called on all royal entities in the country to develop tourism- and arts-based economies.

"Indonesia has the capital to do it. Develop all the existing economic potentials and thus make contributions to the nation," he said.

He said the results of economic developement could be used to pay the cost of maintainng the cultural centers existing in the regions.

The Nusantara Palace forum was established in 2006 with 57 member palaces. Now the number of its members has risen to 118 palaces.

King Ida Tjokorda Ngurah Jambe Pamecutan IX from the Denpasr Grand Temple who is the forum`s chairman said on the occasion that the traditional palaces were one of the means to develop national culture.

This was why the forum`s members believed they needed to maintain their community in a spirit of fraternity, he said.

King Ida also said the forum would stage a palace expo from December 25 through December 30 to be participated in by its 118 members.

Attending the meeting with the president were traditional kings from Riau, Riau Islands, South Sumatra, West Sumatra, Lampung, Madura, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Maluku and West Papua.

Source:  (November 30, 2008)

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