Exposing Flesh Is Against Our Culture

Bandar Seri Begawan - The sight of teenagers in tight-fitting tops and pants in Brunei nowadays, and highlighted by the imams recently during a Friday sermon, has prompted members of the public to call on parents to rein in their children and reinforce the national identity.

The Director of Community Development Services, Datin Hjh Adina, said, "We could not stop the trend of such eye-popping dresses from infiltrating into our society.

"But teenagers have the choice to differentiate between the right and the wrong and they have to choose it wisely. They have to think about making the right choice for their sake.

"Parents play an important role in‘ guiding their teenage daughters to dress properly. Parents and children should consult each other frequently pertaining to this issue," she added.

However, in the event of a girl being molested as a result of donning such a dress, Datin Hjh Adina said she would only ask the perpetrator what he would have done if a girl from his family had come before him wearing the dress.

Imams last Friday said, Islam has outlined the criteria of proper dress ethics. It is not appropriate to wear a dress merely according to custom, tradition and style; it also has to conform to the religious law.

In this context, a dress must not be tight-fitting or transparent as exposing flesh is a sign of tarnishing one‘s reputation. A dress must be worn in line with the laws and a dress that is deemed unfit is also considered sinful as it becomes a bait to attract free sex, close proximity and even rape.

Director of Activities of the International Woman Club (IWC), Datin Misnah Hj Daud, told the Bulletin that if Bruneians studying in London can wear ‘tudong‘ or head scarf, there is no reason why local teenagers can‘t follow suit.

"Exposing flesh may be common in the West or in the region but not in Brunei where we have to adhere to our culture and tradition, especially for Muslim women.

"Parents should. criticise or take action against children if they wear revealing outfits. If they choose to keep quiet, it may mean they also accept and agree to such dresses.

A banker, Reyna, in her 20s said it is all right to dress according to the current trend. "But you should know the limit and to cover the ‘aurat‘ and can‘t go to the extent of exposing flesh and showing off your undies.

"It‘s ok to dress sexily but not too revealingly to the point it could smear one‘s reputation. We have to be proportionate. For those who are able to dress up according to trends, they can go sleeveless but at the same time wear inner clothing to cover," she added.

Businessman Jamer said, social ills are spreading like disease nowadays as young women can be seen kissing openly in the public. "Sometimes we are ashamed of their daring attitudes. Not to mention teenagers who drink beer, loiter around shopping complexes and showing off their ear-deafening car music systems in the middle of the night," he said.

Source: www.brudirect.com (30 Agustus 2007)

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