Pattaya City Welcome Seameo Members From Eleven Countries

Eleven country Members of SEAMEO (Southeast Asia Ministers of Education Organization) were welcomed by Pattaya city to join the meeting to promote equality and quality in education in Southeast Asia.

On the 31 July 2007, at 06.00 pm, at Ambassador City hotel, Jomtien, Mr. Chinaphat Phumirat, Deputy Education Minister, chaired the meeting of the Region about the Equality and Quality of Education among eleven SEAMEO country members. More than 300 participants joining the meeting were from: Thailand, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Timor.

This year, The Ministry of Education with Secretariat of SEAMEO in Thailand have organized the meeting and activities from 31 July to 3 August 2007. The main purpose is to refer to the main point that The Ministry of Education of Thailand has initiated to provide the Regional cooperation about the Equality and Quality of Education of SEAMEO.

In the last meeting which was in 2002, in Chiangmai, all joining members of SEAMEO had already signed the declaration of SEAMEO which were: Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Timor.

Therefore, it is to provide the network of cooperation in order to improve the Equality and Quality of Education in the Region such as: School base management, Personnel participation, Subject matter and Instructional media, Environment, Teacher qualification and waging system, and Community participation.

Besides, all the participants also observed establishment of Education in Chonburi and joined to participate the activities in improving The Agriculture at Wat Yarnasangworn, the Royal project which was established by King Phumiphol Adulayadej to be the source of knowledge and provide professional skill to all people.

Source: (4 Agustus 2007)

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