Singapore - Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be speaking at self-help group Mendaki‘s 25th anniversary celebrations next week.
Some figures on the progress of the Malay community in the last 25 years will also be released during the event.
Responding to a question on the community‘s progress during the Young NTUC Dialogue on Saturday, Mr Lee said while there‘s still a gap between the Malay community and others, there has been dramatic and steady progress within the community in the last 25 years.
This is in terms of education, housing and the quality of life.
Mr Lee said it will take a long time to eliminate the gap because in heterogeneous societies over the world, it‘s difficult to have identical performances among all of them.
But if each community made the effort to take advantage of the opportunities available, they would then do well.
Source: (27 Agustus 2007)