Al-Quran Learning As Part Of Education Policy

Bandar Seri Begawan - A call was made to relate the learning of Al-Quran . recital to the national education policy. The call was made by Dato Paduka Haji Abd Rahman bin Haji Mohiddin, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, in his speech as the guest of honour at yesterday`s Al-Quran Recital Competition for religious and Arabic schools` national finals held at Seri Begawan Religious Teachers College University in the capital.

He said, "Learning the Al-Quran is encouraged in Islam as mentioned by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang DiPertuan of Brunei Darussalam in his titah during the NITZIII Al-Quran celebration. His Majesty stressed the need for the study of the Al-Quran to continue at all levels of the Muslim society.

"It is important to relate this noble effort of learning of the Al-Quran because it is an obligation for Muslims themselves to fulfil the demands of fardhu ain in the area of Al-Quran recital.

"Without knowledge of Al-quran recital, the rituals of an individual can be affected because the rituals in Islam are mostly done through the writings and language of the Al-Quran."

He called on students to recite the Al-Quran in their daily lives, rather than merely recite the Al-Quran for competitions.

Earlier, in her welcoming remarks, the chairperson of the event, Ustazah Hjh Kasmah bte Hj Siput, the Director of Department of Islamic Studies, explained that the competition was divided into two categories: Category A for the participants aged 12 years old and above; and Category B for those below the age of 12.

The total number of participants in the heats or selection level was 324 - 158 males and 166 females - from all four districts. The number of participants for the semifinals is 28 and eight for the finals.

The guest of honour presented prizes to the winners.

Source: (26 Oktober 2007)

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