DepEd 8 chief joins Madrasah study tour to Malaysia, Singapore and Australia

Tacloban City, Philippine - Director Sol F. Matugas of the Department of Education Regional Office 8 is now among the 60 Madrasah (Muslim schools) managers and Muslim education policy managers on a two-week Study Tour to Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.

The Study Tour which started on October 29 and will last till November 9, is in line with the thrust of assisting DepEd strengthen the design and delivery of Muslim Education in the country.
ARD Alberto Escobarte informed the participants to the Closing Program of the Region 8 National Statistics Month Celebration, that it is but right that Director Matugas join the tour, considering the great number of Muslim community all over the Region.

He said that the main objective of the Study Tour which is sponsored by the Australian Government through its AusAid window, is to widen the perspective of the Madrasah and Muslim education managers on policies and interventions necessary for cultural communities.

The Study Tour also hopes to develop a community of practice among Islamic School officials and policy makers in the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia, aside from learning new models and developing creativity and innovation in program development and delivery, school management and teaching and learning processes.

In 2004, DepEd Central Office approved DepEd Order 51, s. 2004, providing for the teaching of Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) in the public schools and the Standard Madrasah Curriculum (SMC) for private Madaris. By 2005-06, DepEd piloted ALIVE in Grade 1 in a number of regions. While 36 of pilot madaris were supported in implementing the SMC and actively seeking government permit to operate as private madaris.

In the Philippines, specifically in Luzon and the Visayas, the involvement in Muslim Education in DepEd Regions is limited to the implementation of the ALIVE Program in the public schools.

Source: (31 Oktober 2007)

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