Education policy must unite Malaysians, says Perak Sultan

Perak - Educating the young separately according to their ethnic and religious background is extremely unsuitable for a multicultural Malaysia, Sultan of Perak Sultan Azlan Shah said.

Stressing the need for an education policy to unite all races, Sultan Azlan Shah said young Malaysians should understand and respect each other during their formative years.

“The education policy and the implementation of its agendas must make the fostering of religious and racial ties a priority,” he said when launching Sekolah Tuanku (correct Tuanku) Abdul Rahman‘s golden jubilee celebration here Saturday.

“As Malaysians who tread the same earth and breathe the same air, it is important for each citizen to be nurtured and shaped by the same education system.

“National interest should be given precedence over the interests of a particular group,” Sultan Azlan Shah added.

Citing Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman as an example, the ruler said the boarding school fulfilled a social need by providing education to students from all over the country.

By studying, playing and living together, students were able to build close relationships and deeper understanding among each other, he said.

As a result, such relationships forged useful networks and the school went on to carve a brilliant reputation in the field of sports.

“This is the kind of relationship building and development of student potential that educational institutions could carry out effectively and meaningfully," he said.

However, he also pointed out that it would benefit the country more if the student population at boarding schools reflected a more “complete” composition of Malaysian society.

Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman was previously known as the Malay Secondary School when it started with just 200 students in five classrooms in January 1957.

Its name was later changed when the first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman opened the school on May 14, 1958.

Also present yesterday were the school‘s Old Boys Association president Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin, senior principal Jamaluddin Yusoff and other former students.

Source: (29 Oktober 2007)

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