Malaysia, Indonesia Agree To Step Up Cooperation In Information

Malaysia and Indonesia agreed on Thursday to enhance cooperation in broadcasting, information and culture, and organize news, documentary and journalist exchange programs.

The agreement was reached at the 8th Malaysia-Indonesia Joint Committee on Information ministerial meeting jointly chaired here by Malaysian Information Minister Auk Seri Zainuddin Maidin and his Indonesian counterpart Prof Dr Mohammad Nuh.

Zainuddin told reporters that the documentary exchange would involve production of tourism and business documentaries to enhance relations between the two countries.

‘We‘ve also agreed on news and visual exchange between RTM ( Radio Television Malaysia) and TVRI (Indonesian State Television) involving breaking news and disasters,‘ Zainuddin was quoted as saying by the Malaysian national news agency Bernama.

Indonesian journalists would undergo attachment programs with RTM and Bernama, the minister said.

Both countries also agreed to assist the private sector involved in television and radio production to expand their contributions in the context of Indonesia-Malaysia broadcasting cooperation, he said.

A special team under the ministry‘s International Division would be set up to ensure the smooth implementation of decisions reached at the meeting, Zainuddin said.

Meanwhile, Dr Mohammad Nuh believed that Malaysia and Indonesia could successfully implement matters that had been agreed.

‘We also invite journalists from Malaysia for attachment with newspaper companies and television stations in Indonesia,‘ he added.

He said Indonesia would form a working group to crystallize the cooperation with Malaysian and monitor its progress.

Source: (4 Agustus 2007)

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