The political insurgence of up to now moderate Muslim nations goes pretty much unreported by the Western MSM and when those moderate Muslim countries are mentioned, they are painted in a positive light as shinning examples of Muslim living peacefully with other religious sects.
Malaysia is one such moderate Muslims nation that is feeling the sword of political jihad.
Sharia law is creeping into this nation quietly and non-violently. The non-violent jihads are making good headway in Malaysia.
There you go. Again, the principles of Islamism are unashamedly presented for all to see. One cannot separate religion from the rules of running a society in Islam.
While the world spends its time confronting the so-called war on terror, the more insidious threat of political Islam goes on almost undetected by the world‘s leaders. Islamism with its varied forms of political jihad must be recognized and confronted wherever it‘s found – especially in the non-Muslim world where it is making inroads daily.
Source: (25 Agustus 2007)