Malay dagger kriss fuels race fears

Kuala Lumpur - A leader of Malaysia`s ruling party was accused of stirring up racial tensions yesterday, by brandishing the Malay dagger to thunderous applause at the annual congress.

The United Malays National Organization, which spearheads the multiethnic National Front ruling coalition, is holding its annual congress amid tensions over the recent demolition of a Hindu temple - an incident that reignited concerns among the Chinese and Indian minorities about the protection of their welfare.

For the third consecutive year at the congress, UMNO Youth Chief Hishammuddin Hussein unsheathed a Malay traditional dagger, a kris, and kissed it, defying criticism by minorities that the practice denotes aggression.

Hishammuddin insists the dagger is "not merely a symbol of power but also a symbol of unity." He added: "Don`t create imaginary enemies and don`t be terrified of shadows."

Open friction is rare between Malays - who comprise 60 percent of Malaysia`s 27 million people - and the minorities, whose faiths include Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism.

But frustrations have grown in recent years over a wide range of issues, including accusations by activists that authorities are unfairly destroying non- Muslim places of worship.

Authorities tore down a decades-old temple in a squatter settlement in central Selangor state last week, triggering rare criticism by the Malaysian Indian Congress, which is one of UMNO`s biggest allies in the National Front.

Opposition leaders slammed Hishammuddin`s actions, saying it was a political ploy to woo support from Muslim Malays who dominate the population of the multi-ethnic country.

"UMNO knows they cannot win Chinese and Indian votes. So they are leaning to secure Malay votes. It is nothing but a political gimmick," said Subki Yusof, secretary of the fundamentalist Pan Malaysian Islamic party.

Opposition leader Lim Kit Siang, chairman of the Chinese-based Democratic Action Party, said the gesture was "outrageous" and would "surely strain race ties in Malaysia."

Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar said political leaders must "exercise restraint and rationality" in racial matters.

"Imagine if someone in a room starts to burn firecrackers. We`re in trouble then, we all get hurt," he said.

UMNO is using the event to gear up for elections expected early next year.

Source: (7 November 2007)

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