Moro peace group celebrates 3rd yr

Mindanao - THE United Muslim Council for Peace and Development celebrated its third year of existence as advocates of peace and development in Mindanao.

In a gathering at the Grand Men Seng Hotel Tuesday, Moro leaders, along with civilian and military officials who were instrumental in the group‘s creation, attended the celebration.

UMCPD vice president Alim Jamal Munib called for educating the people on the intricacies and culture of the Muslim world so as not to create further misunderstanding on their group and religion.

Munib said the common notion of the people on Muslims that they are radicals or extremists is a "disturbed" perception. He said true Muslims are peace loving and not terrorists.

He said because of this wrong perception, some people are actually "pushing" the Muslims to become radicals.

In just three years, the UMCPD grew from only 14 Muslim communities in 2004 to 70 at present.

Members include Muslim communities from Davao City, Panabo City, Compostela Valley, General Santos City, and Zamboanga City.

Several madrasahs and mosques were also built or rehabilitated by the UMCPD with the help of Task Force Davao.

Munib urged all Muslims to join the UMCPD and be part of a peace group that makes the world a better place to live in.

Source: (10 November 2007)

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