Promoting Excellence In Bruneian Education

Bandar Seri Begawan - The Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE), UBD, is hosting the third SHBIE Annual National Seminar/ Workshop in Education 2007 (SANSWE `07) at the UBD Chancellor Hall from November 19 to November 21. The opening ceremony was held yesterday.

The objectives of the SANSWE `07 are to provide a forum for sharing information and experiences on current trends and practices in the education of teachers; review issues and the progress of the second SHBIE Annual National Seminar/ Workshop in 2006; establish a network and professional collaboration between SHBIE, the school system and the Ministry of Education; and provide opportunities to consolidate the experience, practices and research findings of teachers, researchers, policymakers and school administrators on current trends and practices in educating teachers.

Educating teachers plays an important role in educational reform. According to researchers, as education attempts to react to and reflect changes in societal demands, teachers are expected to serve as catalysts.

Present to officiate the ceremony was the guest of honour, Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Lela Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdul Rahman bin Dato Setia Haji Mohamed Taib, the Minister of Education.

Also in attendance was Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Mohammad bin Pengiran Hj Abd Rahman, the Deputy Minister of Education; Dato Paduka Hj Sheikh Adrian bin Sheikh Mohamad, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Dato Paduka Dr Hj Ismail Bin Hj Duraman, ViceChancellor of University Brunei Darussalam.

The official opening ceremony began with the recital of doa al-Fatihah and was followed by a welcoming address from the chairman of the organising committee, Dr Poh Sing Huat.

In his speech, Dr Poh said, "This year`s annual national seminar and workshop is considered an important contribution to the development of education in the country."

He also said, "As educators, we have to be cognisant of these trends and the important roles we play in any education reform. Moreover, the introduction of the forthcoming educational reforms `Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad 21` will pose many challenges to us in SHBIE."

After the chairman`s speech, the Minister of Education delivered his opening address.

The Minister of Education said, "Raising the status and quality of teachers must be at the heart of any attempt to create a world-class education system. A recent report by McKinsey, a global consultancy firm, says that well-intentioned schools, despite massive spending increases, smaller class sizes and greater school autonomy, can fail because they overlooked teachers. Therefore, we in the Ministry of Education and the universities must play an important part in preparing teachers for their new roles in the classroom."

He also said, "However, the successful implementation of any education system depends on several key factors. One important factor is the skills and professionalism from teachers within that system. They should bring the best out of learners by engaging, encouraging and inspiring creative and critical thinking, and help create a generation of thinkers and intellectuals.

"Recent studies, such as that of PISA, and the McKinsey Report 2007, have also indicated that the quality of teachers has a significant effect on the quality of education. Studies of successful education systems have shown that they have been able to attract top students into the teaching profession," said the Minister of Education.

He also said that the McKinsey Report contrasted four top performers: South Korea (where teachers come from the top five per cent of graduates), Finland (top 10 per cent), Singapore and Hong Kong (top 30 percent). The report went on to say that success also depends on monitoring every child and ensuring that raw recruits become effective teachers through practical initial training, coaching and collaboration in schools and mentoring by leaders.

At the end of the ceremony, a doa selamat was read to bless the opening ceremony of the third SHBIE Annual National Seminar/Workshop in Education 2007 (SANSWE `07).

Source: (20 November 2007)

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