Puspo Budoyo Troupe to Join Int`l Folklore Festival in Netherlands

Jakarta - A 30-member troupe of the Puspo Budoyo Group will take part in the 9th International Folklore Festival to be held in Schagen, the Netherlands, on July 9-15.

"This will be the first time for us to participate in an international festival," head of the group, Lies Luluk Sumiarso, said on Thursday.

At the festival the team would among others present traditional music from West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Central Java and Papua, she added.

Apart from giving musical performances, the team would also stage a display of Indonesian batik and artistic sculptures.

Seven countries, namely the Netherlands, Indonesia, Czech, Poland, Serbia, Mexico and Ghana are expected to take part in the annual festival.

The Puspo Budoyo Group was founded on August 17, 2003 as part of efforts to develop Indonesian culture.

Source: www.antara.co.id (9 Juli 2007)

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