Artistic view of Indonesia`s history

Kuala Lumpur - TITIAN MASA, a collection of Indonesia‘s finest art works expanding over 160 years from various artists are currently being displayed at the National Art Gallery Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

A total of 51 artworks by 49 artists from the National Gallery of Indonesia and arranged by curators Rizki A. Zaelani and M. Agus Burhan give an artistic view of Indonesia‘s history.

The exhibition was launched by the Indonesian Embassy‘s charge d‘ affaires Tatang B. Razak.

Also present was Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry deputy secretary-general Datuk Nor Azmal Mohd Nazir.

“In September, an exhibition titled Jejak, featuring the contemporary works of 25 local artists was opened for Indonesians. Now with this exhibition, we hope the artists will have an exchange of knowledge through art discussion.”

The oldest work at the exhibition dates back to the 1850s by artist Raden Salleh Syarif Bustaman, a pioneer to the historical features of modern Indonesia.

This is followed by the early 20th century until 1930s, giving way to the Mooi Indie and New Bali Paintings to be born. These works are from artists like Basuki Abdullah, Wakidi and Pirngadi.

From 1938 to 1965, the concept focused on nationalism spirit leading to independence and infused with expressionism style. In 1974, a new era of pluralism context was used to give focus to the social problems rather than the artists‘ sentiment.

Works of young artists experimenting with new and mixed mediums are also on display.

Rizki said that Titian Masa was about the timeline, showing the important memories of the country‘s meaningful history.

“The pieces are related to the story about aesthetic paradigm of social changes for Indonesians. The country itself was formally formed in the 1940s and people started to interpret the struggle to define identity of the Dutch and Javanese.

“You‘ll be able to see how nationalism grew in Indonesia.”

He added that it took about a week to put the artworks together at the gallery and featured mostly oil on canvas with some on paper as well as graphic style paintings.

A special programme titled Titian Masa Art Exhibition Discussion will also be held on Nov 13.

The exhibition is open to the public until Dec 2.

Source: (16 November 2007)

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