Elephant Art

Thailand - Prince George Art & Frame will exhibit more than two dozen paintings drawn by Asian elephants through Sept 22.

"Pachyderm Painters: Paintings by Asian Elephants," features the works of 16 elephants from Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia.

The show features acrylic works on paper in abstracts and fauna designs. All of the artwork is for sale.

Fred Miller, who owns the gallery, said he got interested in the art form when he saw a painting done by an elephant that a client brought in to be framed.

"This is something that we very much wanted to do," Miller said in a press release. "I just couldn‘t pass up the opportunity to have the show. Quite frankly, you have to see them to believe them. They are really fun."

Elephant art also brings awareness to the Asian Elephant Art and Conservation Project, which is dedicated to saving Asian elephants.

The elephant‘s habitat throughout Southeast Asia is disappearing. According to conservation project literature, at the turn of the century there were about 300,000 Asian elephants in Thailand. That number has dropped to about 1,000 in the wild with 2,000 more domesticated.

Miller said proceeds from the sale will go to Asian Elephant Art & Conservation Project.

"This is a strong conservation organization," Miller said. "Money raised here and at other sales go to provide elephants with better food, improved shelter and proper veterinary care, as well as helping conserve the animal‘s natural habitat in Southeast Asia."

The gallery is open 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday. Call 229-7644.

Source: www.vagazette.com (31 Agustus 2007)

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