Long Ikis, East Kalimantan - Covering 42,657 hectares, the Gunung Lumut Protected Forest (HLGL) spreads throughout East, Central and South Kalimantan. In East Kalimantan, it is situated in Paser regency in Long Kali, Muara Komam, Batu Sopang and Long Ikis districts.
But it is not an easy forest to get to. From East Kalimantan‘s Balikpapan, visitors...
RI, M`sia sign deal on border patrol
Jakarta - Indonesia and Malaysia signed an agreement Thursday on the standard operating procedures and rules of engagement in air patrol operations along the two nations‘ border areas.
Indonesian Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono and Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi signed the agreement at the opening of the 37th meeting of the Indonesia-Malaysia...
Tiny Indonesia islands to honor British naturalist
Jakarta - Indonesia‘s remote Moluccas islands plans to build a museum and an observatory in honor of British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, who in the 19th century spent many years in the area doing pioneering field work. Wallace was a leading expert on the geographical distribution of animal species and proposed a theory of natural selection around...
Good Grades For Brunei In Education Equity
Bandar Seri Begawan - A global ranking on education equity recently released by UNESCO has placed Brunei 36th out of 129 countries surveyed.
In its 2009 Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report launched last week in Geneva, UNESCO placed Brunei and Malaysia are on a list of 56 countries with a high EFA Development Index (EDI).
Malaysia Upholds Ban On Student Political Activity
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia‘s Parliament has amended a law to allow university students to join social groups but still bans them from political parties, a restriction slammed by critics Friday (12 Dec).
Lawmakers approved the amendments to the Universities and University College Act late Thursday (11 Dec) to allow students to become members of social...
Indonesia Lacks Children`s Story Books
Jakarta - Malay Studies and Cultural Development chief, Mahyudin al-Mudra, said Indonesia is lacking in story books for children. “There are only a few of them,” Mahyudin said during the launch of the book 366 Tales of People Across the Archipleago in Jakarta yesterday. The lack of quality story books, Mahyudin added, tend to lead children into watching...
NTB, NTT still lag behind Bali in development
Bali - Although East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) offer competitive natural resources, the two provinces still need to contend with several weighty obstacles -- namely poverty, corruption and education quality -- before they will catch up with big sister Bali, experts said Wednesday.
Activist Sarah Lery Mboeik cited one example:...
Universities to conserve culture: Minister
Bogor - With many local cultures throughout the country vanishing, universities are expected to come to the rescue and preserve those that are left, a minister says.
Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik said at the official opening of the Cultural Congress in Bogor that his office had signed an agreement with seven state universities to assist...
Indonesia, Malaysia vow to get tough with cross-border crime
Jakarta – Indonesia and Malaysia agreed Thursday to heighten intelligence cooperation to anticipate rising cross-border crime due to the impact of the global economic crisis.
Smuggling, human trafficking and piracy along their porous sea and land borders were among the main concerns as Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi took part in...
Alatas helped to boost relations between Malaysia and Indonesia, says PM
Kuala Lumpur - Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said yesterday Malaysia also felt the loss of former Indonesian foreign minister Ali Alatas, whom it regarded as a statesman who had greatly contributed to fostering better relations between Malaysia and Indonesia.
Expressing his condolences to Alatas‘ family, the prime minister asked the Malaysian...
Manuskrip Tua Gorontalo Dikembalikan
LAM Beri Penghargaan kepada Menteri Malaka
Tanjungpinang, Kepri - Lembaga Adat Melayu (LAM) Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) bersama Dunia Melayu Dunia Islam (DMDI) sepakat menganugerahkan gelar kehormatan kepada Ketua Menteri Malaka, Datok Sri Ali Bin Rustam.Gelar itu yakni, Datok Setia Jaya Esa Wangsa.
Sementara itu, Gubernur Kepri bakal dianugerahi gelar Raja Haji Fi Sabilillah oleh DMDI. Kesepakatan...
Yogyakarta Memiliki Kekayaaan Ragam Desa Budaya
Jabar Galakkan Panggung Seni Budaya Lokal
Batik Rancangan Warga AS Dipamerkan
Pelajaran Membatik Mulai Diajarkan di Amerika
Mahasiswa Undip Kembangkan Pariwisata Desa
Mengenal Kehidupan Muslim di Kepulauan Cocos
Tradisi Pacu Jawi di Kabupaten Tanahdatar
UI Beri Penghargaan untuk Pelestarian Budaya Betawi
Mesum, Honorer Pemprov Ditangkap
Sukabumi - Kelakuan seorang tenaga honorer ini tak patut ditiru. Abdi negara berinisial ER (15) tertangkap basah sedang "indehoi" dengan seorang wanita bukan istrinya sebut saja Citra (25), pada Selasa (14/2) dini hari.
Parahnya saat petugas menggerebeknya, ER yang mengaku pegawai honorer di lingkungan Pemprov Jabar ini masih menggenakan seragam...
Menutup Jalan Masuk Korupsi
Oleh: Hifdzil Alim
BADAN Pemeriksa Keuangan perwakilan DI Yogyakarta menyampaikan hasil temuan kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah DIY. BPK DIY menyatakan, laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah DIY tahun anggaran 2008 senilai Rp 2,99 triliun tidak dapat diyakini kewajarannya.
Selain itu, BPK DIY mengindikasikan duit yang berupa piutang pajak...
75 Tahun Adnan Buyung Nasution
Oleh: Mas Achmad Santosa
TANGGAL 20 Juli 2009, advokat legendaris, pendiri dan tokoh Lembaga Bantuan Hukum, Adnan Buyung Nasution (ABN), genap berusia 75 tahun.
Umur yang cukup panjang dibandingkan dengan life expectancy orang Indonesia berdasar Human Development Index (HDI), yaitu 68,6 tahun. Sebuah inovasi yang luar biasa dikembangkan ABN...
Sebelas Jurus Menggempur KPK
Oleh: Emerson Yuntho
TIDAK bisa dimungkiri bahwa Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) telah menjadi garda terdepan pemberantasan korupsi. Meski dengan sejumlah catatan, kinerja KPK setidaknya telah membangun kepercayaan publik tentang adanya lembaga penegak hukum yang secara serius memberantas korupsi.
Selama lima tahun terakhir, KPK berupaya...