Kisar Traditional Dances To Grace Sail Banda Launch

Jakarta - Traditional dances from Kisar island in Southwest Maluku (MBD) district will highlight the launch of Sail Banda in Ambon on April 2010.

Maluku provincial administration assistant Pieter Norimarna said in Ambon recently that the traditional dances from Kisar would be performed in Ambon on April to highlight the launch of Sail Banda 2010, scheduled for July to August this year.

"Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu wants the traditional dances from Kisar performed to mark the launch of Sail Banda in order to convince the international community that the small island in MBD actually has valuable cultural assets to support tourism in the district," Norimarna said.

He said Kisar was during the pre-independence era once controlled by the Portuguese and therefore necessary arrangements had been made to promote the island to the international community during the Sail Banda event.

"The traditional culture of the people in Kisar in general is also very similar to that of Timor Leste which was once also a Portuguese colony," Norimarna said.

Norimarna said he had coordinated with Acting Southwest Maluku district head Frangky Renyaan to make the necessary preparations for the traditional dances from Kisar island to be performed at the launch of Sail Banda next month in Ambon, following its launch in Jakarta on February 3, 2010.

"We are going to optimize the preparations for the cultural performance and typical dances from Kisar both during the launch of Sail Banda in April and its peak event in Kisar which is to be attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on August 3, 2010," Norimarna said.

Meanwhile, Maluku Culture and Tourism Office spokesperson Florence Sahusilawane said the Sail Banda event would also be highlighted by an Archeology Exhibition in Ambon and Banda.

She said the "Life in Ambon and Banda in the 17th Century" exhibition would display photos or pictures and documents depicting life on the two islands at the time. In Banda, the exhibition would also feature illustrations and stories by Des Alwi, a noted local figure who has built up an archive on Banda`s history.

Des Alwi was also a wealthy film producer, a consummate diplomat, and Indonesian independence fighter. Now he is also the owner of two luxury hotels on Banda, called the Maulana Inn and Laguna Inn which have wide white verandas with arched colonnades overlooking a sparkling blue lagoon.

Florence said in Maluku, the participants of Sail Banda could visit many interesting and amazing places such as a Sea Garden, the Belgica Fort, the house where Indonesia`s first vice president and one of the country`s founding fathers, Mohammad Hatta, lived during his political exile, the house of another exiled independence fighter, Iwa Kusuma Sumantri, agro tourism objects in Banda, Natsepa Beach, Hunimua Beach, Pintu Kota Beach, Manuala Beach, Namalatu Beach, Pasir Putih Beach in Alang), Fort Amsterdam , Old Mosque (Kaitetu), Hila Old Church, Siwalima Museum in Ambon, Historical and megalithic sites and villages in Kisar.

The participants would also be able so see some of the more remote parts of Indonesia as they cross the country, away from the well worn tourist areas.

Events that have been prepared by f Moluku`s provincal government were divided in three places, namely in Banda Island the events that have been prepared are : Welcome Party, Kora-Kora (traditional boat) Attraction, City Tour, Marine & Agro Tourism, Cultural and Art Night in Belgica Fort.

While in Ambon city the events that have been prepared are Welcome Party, Traditional Ships Parade, City Tour/Marine Tourism, "Ambon Tempo Doloe" (Ambon in Olden Times), "Jujaro Mongare" Election, "Layang-Layang" (Kite) Festival, Cultural Carnival and Farewell Party.

In Kisar Island the events that have been prepared are: Welcome Party, City Tour, and Celebration of The Anniversary of Republic of Indonesia in the Southwest Maluku district town of Wonreli.

Meanwhile, Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu said Sail Banda was expected to be the"Entry Point" for Maluku province to build win-win cooperation with neighboring countries.

Ralahalu said the upcoming international marine event would be the entry point for the province to knit a win-win cooperation with neighboring countries such as Australia, Timor Leste, and Papua New Guinea (PNG).

"I have just returned from Australia and Papua New Guinea to accompany President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in his state visits to the two countries," Governor Ralahalu said in Ambon recently.

The governor said that during the visits, the Sail Banda event got positive support from the Australian and Papua New Guinean leaders when President Yudhoyono explained it to them in a dialog.

Ralahalu said Sail Banda 2010, scheduled for July to August this year, would be an event to improve the welfare of local people and to create peaceful and conflict-free zones in the province in the future.

Various kinds of international activities will coincide with Sail Banda event which is to be attended by hundreds, even thousands of experts and scientists from many countries.

Governor Ralahalu admitted that during his visit to Australia to accompany President Yudhoyono, he did not have time to explain Sail Banda directly to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, but in diplomatic talks between Yudhoyono and Rudd, it was mentioned and would be discussed further.

"I did not have time to discuss Sail Banda with the Australian prime minister but I did with Papua New Guinean Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare, and the PNG leader promised to visit Maluku next August. I also reported it to President Yudhoyono and the president has as well officially invited Somare to visit Maluku during the Sail Banda event," Ralahalu said.

He said the PNG prime minister was glad to meet with the governors from eastern Indonesia and promised to visit Maluku and other provinces in eastern Indonesia later.
Ralahalu said various international agenda would be discussed in conjunction with Sail Band 2010.

Therefore, the governor called on all public elements in Maluku to fully support the success of Sail Banda 2010.

"We have to be a good host for such an international marine event and to make it a success, because it will have a positive impact on the glory of Maluku in the international eyes," Governor Ralahalau said.


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